? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 10th day of 2021 my client said to me
“Helen, you have repeated that already!”
Well, I’m not going to lie guys, when I read J* email I was a little bit upset.
I’ll be super real with you (as always) so don’t judge me without reading the whole story please.
I had a complaint!
J* had complained about my coaching and wrote me a nice long email with his reasons why.
One of his concerns was that I repeated somethings in my How2Revise in 30 days course again to him on his extra 1:1 coaching call.
I always take on board feedback (I actually welcome it so I can improve my coaching and services!)
but this reason was funny to me… really made me think ‘oh!’
After I got over the anger, frustration and rejection feelings (Yes I have those too!) I laughed.
I was laughing at myself because it’s 100% true! ?
I know I repeat things!
But I realised that I do it on purpose! I repeat things on purpose {see what I did there! ?}
It’s one of my coaching techniques.
My key, conscious, focused, real coaching styles.
? I repeat on purpose! ?
There are loads of smart and important reasons why I do this by the way (I’m not that crazy!) and I know you’re not dumb!
Because sometimes once isn’t enough for you to take in the right revision action, voice, task, words, feeling.
Sometimes my clients are not listening (Shock I know, but I say so much in 60 minutes there is lots to take in!)
The main reason why I repeat is so that you take action!
Instead of smiling, nodding and saying “Yeah”, I repeat the words/taks/action so that you do it and say “Yes!”
I’m not here to pay lip service to you guys or just chat and waste my clients precious time (and money).
I coach (and repeat) so that YOU take the right revision action at the right time.
Sometimes that means I tell you twice!
Unfortunately J didn’t see it like this, which is honestly fine (no judgement) but I felt it was important for me to talk more about how I coach, so you can see and learn my Helen style of coaching.
You know my clients are passing, so let’s be honest, my coaching works.
As well as coaching you on my three superpowers (exam techniques, confidence and motivation just in case you forgot)
I also go ON and ON and ON about all things #revisiongeek vibes!
I love you J, but it’s working for my other clients .. so I am going to be repeating a lot more in 2022 ? ❤️
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 10th day of Christmas there were
Ten Piper Piping!
And as your self confessed #revisiongeek I am completely and utterly that lady who plays music over and over and over and over whilst piping up about making revision fun!
And YES people follow me!
I’m super grateful to say I hit 18,000 followers on Linkedin this year! ? ?
Bring on next year’s pipping cos I will warn you now, I’m going to get louder, BIGGER and geekier about
? Revision
? You getting your plaque up on the wall
? Mastering your exam journey!
Happy Wednesday! Have a great day!