? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 11th day of 2021 my client said to me
“You make me feel so confident Helen, I love it!”
I cannot dance or sing or run to save my life!
But I can coach
And I can cheerlead
And I can boost your confidence!
I have coached L* all year and I’m so sad to say I don’t coach her anymore! ?
I don’t coach her anymore because L has no more CIMA exams left to sit!
Together we have passed P2, MCS, P3, F3 and SCS! (Okay, we don’t know if she has passed her case study yet, but we have a great feeling!)
L also has a great feeling every day now, something she has taken from me.
And that’s confidence!
For the coaching call before her P3 exam I said “What do you want me to coach you with today?!”
Her response was “I don’t mind, because anything you do and say just helps with my confidence and motivation and I feel so excited after our calls”
Isn’t that such a lovely comment!
And without sounding arrogant, I’ve heard this a lot from my students calls.
?♀️ I have a superpower – well I have three – ?♀️
One of them is CONFIDENCE!
I am an Accounting Revision Coach on purpose – because I am confident, and I am confident I can give YOU the exam techniques you need for a confident exam success!
My tag line is “I coach CIMA and ACCA qualifying Accountants to successfully pass their exams … with confidence!”
{Alan Sugar if you’re reading, then I would love to be on The Apprentice!}
I can’t guarantee you’ll pass your exam (I wish I could, but I can’t legally!) but I promise that I can boost your revision confidence!
And in turn for 90% of my clients I know that means you’ll be more prepared – practically and mentally to smash your exam.
I’ve got client results to prove it!
I will be publishing my 2021 client results shortly, but here are 3 stats!
⭐ 100% client pass rate Management Case Study (CIMA)
⭐ 100% client pass rate SBR and AAA (ACCA)
⭐ 81% Revision Club members rating
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 11th day of Christmas there were
Eleven ladies dancing!
And you’ll never catch me dancing in public!
But trust me I do a dance after every coaching call, before every revision ladder/best exam ever bootcamp / revision webinar / weekly Linkedin live show
Cos I LOVE being your Revision Coach!
And I love seeing, hearing, reading HOW much confidence I bring you!
So that YOU can dance (jump, sing, all the things!)
P.S – Yes can you guess that I will be popping up a new blog for the next few days … with revision support, stories and client successes! {Cos I want you to know this can be you too!}