? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 1st day of 2021 my client said to me …
“I don’t know what revision to do or how to do it?!”
Throughout 2021 I have shown up, coached and shouted about revision tactics!
I have listened, got to know you, learnt, sympathised, and advised you with your revision struggles.
Now I would like YOU to take action.
Take action so that you feel revision strong
? And know HOW to do it! ?
The number one revision tool is a revision plan #fact
And the number one struggle I know you guys have is motivation {or lack of it!}
On the 12th day of Christmas my coach gave to me …
The best revision tool ever!
? I have a Christmas present for you! ?
The number one revision tool is a revision plan!
Merry Christmas – here is your free present!
Here is my Revision Plan Masterclass
Follow my 5 step coaching process so you can write an amazingly strong revision plan!
The masterclass is normally £99, but honestly this is your 2021 Christmas present from me!
{Enrol before 26th December though – I only reward action takers!}
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 1st day of Christmas there were
A Partridge in a Pear Tree!
I won’t sing cos I am soooo rubbish at singing!
And I can’t figure out an amazing analogy to link revision with a partridge or a pear tree!
So I will end my Christmas revision emails with something I am amazing at!
Inspiring you!
Trust me, you have no idea how grateful I am that you are in my revision world and you have opened and read my emails in 2021.
Thank you so much.
It’s been a challenging year, I have had some very lonely days, a lot of tears, some amazing high moments, plus put a lot of time & hard work in to grow my coaching business.
When I look at my statistics, I see that I have 1397 amazing email subscribers, 17,995 Linkedin subscribers, 328 Instagram followers and 23 YouTube subscribers.
?? It makes me smile so much! ??
I am so grateful and lucky to be coaching and support your exam journey.
Inspiration comes from a powerful voice
A powerful voice comes from self confidence
Self confidence for me comes from being qualified
Being qualified means I can give you the revision support that is real, honest and works!
Revision motivation comes from listening to my voice
And revision success comes from taking action
There are 12 action taking tasks in your inbox right now … so go on … take one!
Have an amazing Christmas Eve. H x
P.S – Your Christmas present is waiting for you to open HERE.
Yes it’s free and yes you can 100% use it today to gain revision motivation … plus so so much more!