Home » Coaching Packages (Copy)

Here is the page you care about – What I offer and how much it costs!

Obviously the cost is not just money – this is an investment into YOU! (Cheesy but true).

We both know you can do this by yourself, it will take longer and there will be major frustrations along the way, but you can do this!

But trust me, the support I as your coach can (and will) provide will give you a massive head start and we will get to a better end result in less time and with clarity and happiness along the way.  

My aim is to coach and mentor you through your career journey to bring huge success and rewards into your life! 

Imagine waking up for work and jumping out of bed! 

Imagine how amazing that new huge pay slip will be in your first..second..third…fourth month! 

Imagine how proud you will be of yourself by working in somewhere you fit it!


When you chose to commit to yourself and your career I will give you the help, advice and support YOU need.

When you work with me I can assure you I CAN and WILL give you valuable skills and confidence to implement your dreams and take positive actions to nailing that dream job! 

My career coaching aims are – 

  • To help my clients get career focused.
  • To help my clients nail that job interview
  • To help my clients gain understanding to what career and job they actually want
  • To help my clients get that promotion!

Take the action to make a commitment to yourself and your career now! Sign up for a FREE Discovery call or pick a package below!

I believe in YOU and you can definitely make the investment needed to

put yourself FIRST and make a CAREER to be proud of! 

Sign up for a FREE Discovery Call

Sign up for a life changing MENTORING Package


I have designed my packages based on how long you have until your next exam. 

We will work on setting a revision plan to give you the structure you need to revise the right things, increase your confidence, reduce the nerves and get that successful exam pass!


To have a free informal chat about what package would work for you please use this link – http://bit.ly/PSCChat  

Have a read through, any questions just ask me and I’ll talk you through the options! Thanks. H x






Each package will come with a discovery call for us to get to know each other, make sure we’re on the same page, and for me to find out ‘What you want and why’.

Like my 4 and 6 hours packages, the coaching will result in supporting you through your exam journey, setting a revision plan, and improving your confidence so that you know you can hold your head up high and pass this!

Obviously the more time you spend with me the more I will directly help and support – this is where the value is added.  

Package 1 – CV Consultation & CV Check


1 x 45 minutes Discovery call

1 x 1 Hour coaching call

|Completely amazing successful CV





Packages – Revision booster

Prices from £99

1 x 30 minutes Discovery call

1 to 1 coaching call



Book a CV package!

Package 3 – CV Writing Intensive


1 x 45 minutes Discovery call

3 x 1 Hour coaching call

Completely amazing successful CV

-Successful CV Writing e-book

PLUS – Bonus resources




Each package will come with a discovery call for us to get to know each other, make sure we’re on the same page, and for me to find out ‘What you want and why’.

Like my 1 and 6 hours packages, the coaching will result in supporting you through your exam journey, setting a revision plan, and improving your confidence so that you know you can hold your head up high and pass this!

Obviously the more time you spend with me the more I will directly help and support – this is where the value is added.  

Package 1 – Job Application Consultation & CV Check


1 x 45 minutes Discovery call

1 x 1 Hour coaching call

Plan of Action & Words for application





Packages – 4 Hour revision package

Prices from £399

1 x 30 minutes Discovery call

1 to 1 coaching call

Revision plan

plus everything you need to successfully pass your exam!

Book a job application package!

Package 3 – Job Application Intensive



1 x 45 minutes Discovery call

3 x 1 Hour coaching call

Plan of Action & Words for application

-Job Application Tips E-book

PLUS – Bonus resources




Each package will come with a discovery call for us to get to know each other, make sure we’re on the same page, and for me to find out ‘What you want and why’.

Like my 1 and 4 hours packages, the coaching will result in supporting you through your exam journey, setting a revision plan, and improving your confidence so that you know you can hold your head up high and pass this!

Obviously the more time you spend with me the more I will directly help and support – this is where the value is added.  

Package 1 – Job Interview Consultation & CV Check


1 x 45 minutes Discovery call

1 x 1 Hour coaching call

Plan of Action for Interview



Packages – 6 Hour revision

Prices from £499

1 x 30 minutes Discovery call

1 to 1 coaching call

Revision plan

plus everything you need to successfully pass your exam!

Book a job interview package!

Package 3 – Job Interview Intensive


1 x 45 minutes Discovery call

3 x 1 Hour coaching call

1 x 45 minute Mock Interview

Plan of Action for Interview

PLUS – Bonus resources




My mentoring package is aimed at clients who want a short term focus on their exam success as a whole. I will coach and mentor you for 3 months to build a strategy and game plan to planning the exam journey you dream of, and you getting your Accounting letters!

Like I said, you can get there by yourself I have no doubt of that, but by investing in yourself and me, I can reassure you that the dream pass (that is waiting out there for you) will happen quicker with my help. I will be your cheerleader, and polite poker, I will keep you on track, be that shoulder you need support from and bring out your amazing strengths to the world!  

This is my signature package and it is my version of giving you everything I have learnt, experienced, soaked up, and developed. It requires a commitment from you to show up, do the work and take action. In return I will give you the tools, resources and advice you need to nail these exams!

My promise to you when you invest in this package, are 3 things – Confidence, ambition and strategy. You will be able to know where to go, why you want to get there and how to get there, with the best version of yourself, holding you head up high and lots of smirking!

12 Hour Revision Package

From £899

1 x 30 minutes Discovery call

12 x 1 Hour coaching call

Revision plan

Plus everything you need to successfully pass your exam!




Book a career strategy mentoring package!