Here is the page you care about – What I offer and how much it costs!
Obviously the cost is not just money – this is an investment into YOU! (Cheesy but true).
We both know you can do this by yourself, it will take longer and there will be major frustrations along the way, but you can do this!
But trust me, the support I as your coach can (and will) provide will give you a massive head start and we will get to a better end result in less time and with clarity and happiness along the way.
My aim is to coach and mentor you through your career journey to bring huge success and rewards into your life!
Imagine waking up for work and jumping out of bed!
Imagine how amazing that new huge pay slip will be in your first..second..third…fourth month!
Imagine how proud you will be of yourself by working in somewhere you fit it!
When you chose to commit to yourself and your career I will give you the help, advice and support YOU need.
When you work with me I can assure you I CAN and WILL give you valuable skills and confidence to implement your dreams and take positive actions to nailing that dream job!
My career coaching aims are –
- To help my clients get career focused.
- To help my clients nail that job interview
- To help my clients gain understanding to what career and job they actually want
- To help my clients get that promotion!
Take the action to make a commitment to yourself and your career now! Sign up for a FREE Discovery call or pick a package below!
I believe in YOU and you can definitely make the investment needed to
put yourself FIRST and make a CAREER to be proud of!
Sign up for a FREE Discovery Call
Sign up for a life changing MENTORING Package
I have split my packages into 4 areas, with the aim of offering specific value for what you need right now. I understand that you might only need help in one area, and maybe only one area at a time.
Three of the areas are specific and offer intensive focus on just that one thing. My fourth area is my intensive mentoring for those clients who want a plan and need some guidance on the bigger career picture.
Securing a dream job and career does take a bit of time and planning, my mentoring package allows for this time and focus on building and writing your career strategy. I believe without a plan and a strategy the chances of success are drastically reduced.
Have a read through, any questions just ask me and I’ll talk you through the options! Thanks. H x
A CV is such a key part of job success. This is the first thing an employer looks at and it is you in a few pieces of paper. Remember they don’t know you and have possibly hundreds of CV’s. We need yours to be the best CV in the pile and the one that successfully takes you to the next stage – an interview! (you can’t get a job without an interview guys!)
Each package will come with a discovery call for us to get to know each other, make sure we’re on the same page, and for me to find out ‘What you want and why’.
The completely amazing successful CV will be written at the end – by YOU – with all of my help, advice and knowledge. But I’ll be honest now, I’m not writing your CV for you, I don’t want to waste our time writing something that isn’t the best version of yourself. But I will give you a framework, a lot of help and advice, and by the end of the session we will have produced the best CV for you. Not forgetting the improved confidence you will have in an amazing sales tool for yourself and your dream career.
Obviously the more time you spend with me the more I will directly help and support – this is where the value is added.
Package 1 – CV Consultation & CV Check
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
1 x 1 Hour coaching call
|Completely amazing successful CV
Packages – CV Consultation & CV Writing
Prices from £98 – £248
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
1 to 1 coaching calls
Completely amazing successful CV
Resources – ‘How to write a successful CV’
Package 3 – CV Writing Intensive
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
3 x 1 Hour coaching call
Completely amazing successful CV
-Successful CV Writing e-book
PLUS – Bonus resources
Once you have your successful CV, the application stage is next! Applying for the right job, with the right words and selling yourself is a bit of an art! Be this with a recruitment agency, an online application or a covering letter. Planning and strategy is needed here to get that dream job and career you deserve! Again, I have different packages on offer, to help you pick the time that’s right for you.
Each package will come with a discovery call for us to get to know each other, make sure we’re on the same page, and for me to find out ‘What you want and why’.
Like my CV packages, at the end of the session you will have the words you need to complete your online application, or the sales pitch you need to talk to the recruiter, and the strategy you need to plan and complete the right applications for you, not forgetting the improved confidence you will have in yourself and applying for that dream job.
Obviously the more time you spend with me the more I will directly help and support – this is where the value is added.
Package 1 – Job Application Consultation & CV Check
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
1 x 1 Hour coaching call
Plan of Action & Words for application
Packages – Job Application Consultation & CV Writing
Prices from £98 – £248
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
1 to 1 coaching call
Plan of Action & Words for application
Resources – ‘How to nail that job application’
Package 3 – Job Application Intensive
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
3 x 1 Hour coaching call
Plan of Action & Words for application
-Job Application Tips E-book
PLUS – Bonus resources
Well done – you have an interview! Great news! Now we need to make sure you nail it! First (and last) impressions count, you have one chance to show how amazing you are and how right this job for you. My coaching will bring out your strengths in the right way for you to communicate (verbally and physically) these to shine and get that job offer!
Each package will come with a discovery call for us to get to know each other, make sure we’re on the same page, and for me to find out ‘What you want and why’.
Like my CV and application packages, the coaching will result in supporting you through nailing that job interview, setting a strategy to be the best applicant in the room, and improving your confidence so that you know you are in the right place and this is the right career for you!
Obviously the more time you spend with me the more I will directly help and support – this is where the value is added.
Package 1 – Job Interview Consultation & CV Check
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
1 x 1 Hour coaching call
Plan of Action for Interview
Packages – Job Interview Consultation & CV Writing
Prices from £98 – £248
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
1 to 1 coaching call
Plan of Action for Interview
Resources – How to nail that job interview!
Package 3 – Job Interview Intensive
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
3 x 1 Hour coaching call
1 x 45 minute Mock Interview
Plan of Action for Interview
PLUS – Bonus resources
My mentoring package is aimed at clients who want a short term focus on their job and career as a whole. I will coach and mentor you for 3 months to build a strategy and game plan to planning the career you dream of, and you getting that amazing job!
Like I said, you can get there by yourself I have no doubt of that, but by investing in yourself and me, I can reassure you that the dream job (that is waiting out there for you) will happen quicker with my help. I will be your cheerleader, and polite poker, I will keep you on track, be that shoulder you need support from and bring out your amazing strengths to the world!
This is my signature package and it is my version of giving you everything I have learnt, experienced, soaked up, and developed. It requires a commitment from you to show up, do the work and take action. In return I will give you the tools, resources and advice you need to nail an amazing career!
My promise to you when you invest in this package, are 3 things – Confidence, ambition and strategy. You will be able to know where to go, why you want to get there and how to get there, with the best version of yourself, holding you head up high and lots of smirking!
Career Strategy Planning & Mentoring
1 x 45 minutes Discovery call
11 x 1 Hour coaching call
1 x 2 Hour Face – to – Face Session (*Subject to location)
Full Career Strategy Planner
BONUSES – Career Profiling, Lifetime access to resources, webanirs and amazing treats!
(*Face to face sessions can be discussed & arranged to suit both of us – if you happen to live in Australia – then I’d still make the trip 😉 )