? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 2nd day of 2021 my client said to me
“Do you remember why you started your qualification?!”
If you’re anything like me, you might have started for someone.
Little bit of a personal story today, and instead of talking about my clients, I want to share some of my journey with you.
When I was 18 I was half way through my A-Levels at college (I did Accounting, Business Studies and IT).
I am not an A* kind of girl by the way and I had to work hard at school to understand, learn and recall. I loved school but I did find it a challenge to get great grades.
So, when I was faced with my parents separating and divorcing whilst trying to study my 2nd year of A-Levels I found it a massive challenge. {Including crying every day for a year!}
I focused though and came away with B & C grades, which got me into University {I went to UWE in Bristol}
If you have gone to uni I assume you have gone for one of two reasons. Either to enjoy the nightlife/social life or to get the degree.
? My reason was to get a 1st class degree ?
In 2001 I moved to Bristol for Uni and was struggling with my parents divorce. I was fortunate that they paid for my university fees so I could study and not get a part time job during term time.
I worked my arse off {sorry to swear!} at Uni and was the geek in the front row of the lecture theatre!
Every day in my last year I was in the library, researching, learning, swotting, writing, recalling. Doing everything I needed to get that mark.
I wrote 10, 000 words for my dissertation about short term forecasting (I’ve still got it if you fancy a read!?) … and I got a 1st for this ?
I am so proud to shout that I got a first class honours degree in Business Studies
And I absolutely got that degree to make my parents proud of me.
My somebody was my mum and dad.
You might have read ‘My diaries of an oddball Accountant’ blogs – These are my CIMA journey stories – have a read HERE
I got my degree for my parents … but I got my CIMA qualification for me.
{Oh I sound like a Royal Navy advert!}
My second best life qualification is my CIMA plaque.
{You know I show it off all the time, and I know you will do the same too!}
I know my why… I love my why … it helps to drive me, focus me and keep me motivated.
I sat a CIMA exam every sitting for 6 years and I never gave up.
I got divorced halfway through my CIMA studies too, and it made me even more determined, strong, courageous and empowered.
Please can you remember your why and use it as a beautiful, amazing, empowering way to FLY through your CIMA or ACCA journey.
I’ve got your back … I will NOT let you fail if you are in my Revision World!
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 2nd day of Christmas there were
Two Turtle Doves!
This one makes me think about flying.
Flying high – soaring into 2022 with your head held high.
Flying is the perspective I’m bringing out today!
Flying forward and towards your goals
It’s a perfect time of year to reflect on your 2021 and set goals for 2022.
I’ll be chatting to you more about goals and planning tomorrow, but for today I want to give you some revision coaching.
You have remembered WHO you are doing this for.
Now let’s focus on your WHAT & WHY
What revision strategies do you need to
⭐ Give you exam confidence
⭐ Keep you laser focused on exam practice
⭐ Boost your daily revision motivation
Please can you
? Aim high!
? Keep your head up!
? Get some support!
There are 2 ways to work with me right now – in December!
1 – Join The Ultimate Revision Club
2- Grab a 1:1 coaching space {there are only 2 available per month}
I want to inspire you, motivate you, and give you the wings to fly high!
If you want to say #YesHelen to a coaching option – all you need to do is EMAIL me {hello@prettysuccessfulcareers.co.uk} and tell me which one.
If it’s the Revision Club … I will send you the secret link to join! ?
Smile! Keep your head up and have a beautiful day.
Helen x