? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 3rd day of 2021 my client said to me
“I miss read the question! “
Does it ever feel like Mr CIMA or Mr ACCA is talking in a foreign language?!
It might as well be French – cos it’s completely in-understandable!
One of the ways I coach my students is to challenge what they are thinking.
Challenge the way they revise and what they think about revision!
Especially when it comes to reading the question requirement.
And especially if they are resitters!
One of the top three reasons why a student fails is because they don’t read/understand the requirement properly.
Yes, you might read it and think
“I have no idea what this means?!”
“I think it wants *this* answer?!”
“I have no clue” … move on to next question
Reading the question ‘properly’ is a key exam technique that you need in your revision toolkit. I have some magic tricks that I’m going to share with you on this in Jan – read below for how to sign up to this!
My students F and A both sat their AAA (ACCA) exams in 2021.
This exam is unique and obviously it’s focused on Audit specifically.
Audit has it’s own unique language.
There are words and phrases only used when referring or communicating like an auditor or in an audit environment.
So one of my main coaching strategies for them was to learn the ACCA Audit language.
So when they read a requirement, it didn’t look or feel like a foreign language!
I’m so proud to say both F and A passed their AAA exams this year! ?
When it comes to reading the question I know this is often where you guys go wrong.
Cos if you don’t read what is being asked, then how are you ever going to read of mark the right answer?!
Please can you STOP reading what you want the questions to ask – and focus on what it is actually really asking!
Classic exam technique #1 –
? Read the question set (not the question you wish was set!)
L* is sitting F3 (CIMA)
We have been trying to sit and pass F3 for a while ?
I want to talk to you about L’s exam technique because I know she’s not the only one who does this.
L: O I know this question! … reads half and marks her MCQ
L: Finishes question slot
L: Looks at answers and marks … thinking she did ok
L: Oh damn it I got 3/10
L: What the hell?!
L: Analyses question and answer back
L: Oh I read the question wrong!
L: Oh that’s what he asked (not what my brain thought!)
This is classic L!
{Well no, that’s not true!}
This WAS classic L!
She’s worked super hard to transform her exam techniques so that she now consciously read the question and actually pass her F3 question practice.
Now L reads the questions that is on the screen in front of her!
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 3rd day of Christmas there were
Three french hens!
CIMA or ACCA doesn’t need to be a foreign/French language!
And I don’t want you to be pecking away at practice questions with the wrong exam techniques!
I have coached hundreds of CIMA and ACCA qualifying accountants over the last 9 years
I know the exam techniques that work for
? Knowledge recall
? Revision structure
? Exam mindset
{Plus so so so many more}
Exam technique is not one thing.
There are lots of jigsaw pieces that fit together for a strong exam foundation / puzzle.
If you’ve been to one of my live revision events, then you know I coach you on the key jigsaw pieces.
The next revision event is
⏰ Starting Mon 24th Jan at 8pm ⏰
? Register and grab your seat here ?
{Register before 31st Dec to be in the special revision geek prize draw}
My 3 coaching superpowers are
✔️ Exam technique
✔️ Confidence
✔️ Motivation
The superpowers I will coach you on will give you the structure, clarity and support you need to pass your exam … with confidence!
Register and grab your space in Master Your Revision to get hold of my free and live exam technique magic tricks!
Smile! Keep your head up and have a beautiful day.
Helen x