? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 4th day of 2021 my client said to me
“I don’t know enough”
Part of my job as a Revision Coach is to
? Pick you up
? Empower you
? Focus you, and
? Encourage you
It’s also a key part of my job to call you out!
Call you out when you’re being a negative Nancy or giving me too many ‘excuses’ to why you “xxx” {Fill in the blank}
In 2021 I wrote loads of blogs for you.
My favourite one was “My 3 least favourite words” cos I went on a full on rant about my feelings and what I truly think.
I love writing and you know I love coaching.
But I’m not putting up with the certain words or perspectives and I am going to call you out for them!
I call it “Tough Love Helen Coach Mode!”
Like a positive sandwich, it’s tasty but packs a punch!
No way do you have permission to procrasti-learn, or give up, or tell yourself negative words and stories.
NO I won’t let you
YES I will be here
? I’ve got your back – I say it all the time, but it’s true! ?
Read the blogs – tell me what your favourite 2021 blog is and why.
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 4th day of Christmas there were
Four calling birds!
Here I am calling out your BS.
Calling and asking you to STOP worrying, overanalysing, reading and reading the text book and STOP pausing study.
✔️ Consistent, smart, small bite sized revision slots every day
✔️ Embracing and utilising a 30 day revision phase
✔️ Talking to yourself with a sh**t load of positive words!
You started this journey for a reason, and I know it’s harder and longer than you thought it would be.
But I will NOT let you pause, stop or quit.
If you need some help – I have a variety of coaching opportunities for you to suit your budget and exam journey.
>Have a look at all of my options HERE<
Enough is ENOUGH ?
You are in my Revision World ? for a reason and I’m calling out my mission so that you know I’m on your side.
And with some Helen coaching – we can get your exam passed … with confidence! {Esp if it’s a resit!}
Happy Tuesday! Have a beautiful day.