? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 5th day of 2021 my client said to me
“I can become a Revision Champion!”
My instant reaction to 5 gold ring is the Olympics
The greatest show on Earth.
A show of champions in their field.
Pushing, striving and focused on excellence.
The amount of training that goes into that is immense
I’m in awe of any Olympian.
Inside of my Membership: The Ultimate Revision Club
My students are working hard at becoming Revision Champions.
The year I’ve had over 100 students join the Club #grateful.
I lead and support them on a weekly basis with one goal in mind.
? To become a Revision Champion! ?
? Embracing and empowering them with their exam journey,
? Boosting their self-confidence and motivation,
? Giving them exam structure, clarity, and support.
Usain, Serena, Lewis are champions of their field.
And my Revision Club members are learning how to be every month.
‘How to revise in fun ways, How to successfully plan their revision (and stick to it), How to balance work-life-study’
These are just 3 of the 39 Masterclasses inside of the Club.
I’m obsessed with the Olympics, I spend hours of my summer fixed to the TV soaking up the energy, learning about the mental strength of the athletes, picking up gold medal winning coaching techniques.
Yep, I’m obsessed.
I am also obsessed about my clients.
My clients (aka CIMA and ACCA students) and their successes.
Successes in both their exam journey AND personal development journey.
Every week I get a success story, win, and positive message from my Revision Club members and clients.
And I fricking love it!
I love leading, supporting and coaching you so YOU feel great.
You might not be a prize winner, but I know you feel like a Revision Olympian! ?
The Ultimate Revision Club is my monthly Revision membership
Where you can get weekly revision advice, tactics and strategies for your CIMA or ACCA Olympic style journey.
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 5th day of Christmas there were
Five gold rings!
Gold to show shining beautiful light.
Rings to highlight the whole journey.
And I’m sure five gifts to give on this special Christmas Day.
Let me share my five gold rings for you today
Rings that give you shiny revision support for your 2022 exam journey ahead {Yes another tedious link!}
? If you don’t believe you will pass, then you probably won’t!
? You are exactly where you are meant to be!
? Everything happens for a reason!
? Actions speak louder than words
? I believe in you ❤️
My five most powerful coaching phrases, given to you as a reminder that I know you can…
Pass your exams like a Revision Champion ?
? Keep this blog safe ❤️
I hope you’re enjoing my #twelvedaysofchristmas Helen style revision support as much as I am writing them for you!
Happy Monday! Have a great Christmas week.
Helen x
P.S – Add a comment to this blog to share your exam Olympic succeses or win from 2021!
I really wanna know and get to know you.