? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 6th day of 2021 my client said to me
“If I can’t pass the fundamentals, I must be rubbish!”
I’m throwing out another analogy today.
? All about building a house! ?
If the foundations are not strong ‘enough’ then the house is weaker and likely to fall down- right?!
Well the CIMA & ACCA Fundamental exams are no different.
Obviously instead of bricks and mortar – you guys are building careers and finance skills.
But to build them you need to master and have solid accounting foundations.
This year I have coached P, O, P and J through their CIMA Certificate level exams.
I know lots of you guys have been exempt from these – as I was too – and tryst me this doesn’t always feel like a good thing!
But I know if you have failed a fundamental exam, then you are definitely questioning your Accounting abilities.
I want you to be kinder to yourself please!
Mr CIMA (or MR ACCA) are testing your technical ability and NOT your overall Accounting character.
Yes of course fundamentals is a big part of that, but just one jigsaw piece (or wooden framework)
The only reason why my clients failed their fundamentals exam is because of exam technique.
Well lack of the ‘right’ technique.
They didn’t know HOW to answer the exam questions
Note – they know their knowledge base!
Fundamentals are about knowing the right way to answer that specific question.
And yes Mr CIMA (in their case) was being very specific with this. And there is much more of a black/white – correct/incorrect answer.
Trust me you want to know the right way to treat a debit or credit! And it is super important that you know the difference between an asset and a liability!
Once I coached my students through what exam technique is needed and works for this type of exam ? – Pass, pass pass!
And much needed CIMA confidence for their journey because they heard me and understand they are smart Accountants.
They just didn’t have the exam technique ?
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 6th day of Christmas there were
Six geese a laying!
Just like O, P, P and J – Laying the foundations is super important.
Every piece of the syllabus you learn is an important process in your exam journey.
? Yes some topics are less useful in the real world – but you’re going to be test on them.
These are tested for a reason – to strengthen your accounting foundation.
Your Revision coaching today is about laying the right foundations, but these are for all of you to remember! {But especially if you’re at the start of your CIMA or ACCA Journey}
? One step at a time
? One day at a time
? Lay foundations to support yourself
? Don’t forget the basics! ?
That’s what will get you the marks (in all of your exams – fundamentals, advanced, management, strategic) *But I’ll tell you how another day!
Today I’ve coached you on laying your foundations {like a geese!}
? Set your self up for success and let’s starting building a really strong house for your amazing future accounting career! ?