? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 7th day of 2021 my client said to me
“I’m so stuck, I don’t know what to do! Feel like I’m going backwards!”
One of my clients L is struggling and I know she’s not the only one.
One the surface she (and her life) looks great. New house, new job, beautiful daughter.
But she is struggling.
L hasn’t passed an exam this year.
She has sat her F3 exam twice and not quite passed.
She tried on her own and then came to me for some F3 coaching and yes she failed again {yes guys, some of my clients do fail resits before they pass}
It’s because these amazing Accounting qualification are challenging, tough, hard work … but NOT impossible!
L gets stuck.
Stuck in her head with her mindset – especially with the F pillar (CIMA)
Because she took 5 attempts to pass F2 last year, she has a little demon on her shoulder.
We have worked hard to flick him off her shoulder, but after her last F3 fail, he is back – with an annoying little smirk!
Feeling stuck or feeling like you’re going backwards is something I hear all the time from you guys, especially if you’re a resitter.
I talk about mindset quite a lot, especially during my revision events and I really feel like more people need to talk about it.
I failed loads of my exams.
But I kept going and I qualified … 6 years later!
Yes of course it takes a strong mindset to pick yourself up and keep going.
That is exactly why I am here to shout about the right revision mindset.
I will keep shouting about it because I have got your back!
I am here so that YOU pass your exam … with confidence!
By the ‘right’ mindset I focus on your self-confidence, for you to ride and enjoy your revision journey with ease, fun and a happy mind.
Let’s reframe the struggle TO the journey!
Instead of thinking ‘you’re stuck’ HOW ABOUT ‘take one step forward today’
And REPEAT after me “I’m a smart Accountant and I can pass my resit!”
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 7th day of Christmas there were
Seven swans a swimming!
Today I am here to remind you to keep swimming!
Keep going, keep your head up and keep focused!
Caveat (As always!) please swim forwards!
You might also look like and feel like a swan (you know I love an analogy by now) ?
Looking okay on the surface to everyone – even smiling and nodding and saying “Yeah, I’m fine, revision is good”
And your feet (or mind) is racing under the water thinking all the things you need to do, learn, think, believe, say, practice.
Trust me you’re not the only one who is going through the swan motions.
On the hard days when you feel like a swan, I want you to focus on how smooth and pretty a swan looks and how SLOW and STEADY there feet are actually going so they GLIDE through the water.
Instead of your default to – they are panic swimming, with feet flapping away where no one can see them.
People do see them! And I want you to know and remember that they are swimming like a cool, calm, collected, confident swan.
You can be a revision swan who has a smooth calm revision journey.
I hope you’re enjoing my #twelvedaysofchristmas Helen style revision support as much as I am writing them for you!
Happy Saturday! Have a great weekend.
Helen x
P.S – Send me an email if you are feeling stuck – I’m here to help you – so tell me what you’re stuck with, and I’ll reply with some helpful advice. {hello@prettysuccessfulcareers.co.uk}