A-Z tips for your Career Success
For the past 26 days I have been creating and posting A-Z tips onto my Instagram Page (here) for you to read, learn and implement.
The A–Z tips are short bite-sized career focused tips to show you what my careers coaching style is like, get you engaged in your career journey and to help you focus on what you need to implement to nail that next job!
I have shared all of the tips on my Instagram page, and most of my Facebook lives have been focused on the tip of the day!
Check out the full IG Grid here and my FB Lives here!
Now the A-Z has come to an end, I wanted to write a blog to summarise the last month and give you some understanding to how you can implement and use the tips.
To be honest, this has been really fun for me and has enabled me to show my coaching style and connect with you guys to really help you in your job search.
What’s the point of the A-Z tips?
I know that working, studying and looking for a new job is tough. It’s hard to find the time to focus successfully on all of them and then if you do it’s hard to find a balance that makes you happy.
I coach and support my clients to find the balance that works for them and also get them being real action takers and moving forward in their career and job search.
The A-Z tips have been my way of giving you an insight into my coaching style, as well as creating my most helpful tips to give you real actionable things you can implement for your job search. They are short easy to understand tips for you to get a step forward in your career.
Highlights for your A-Z tips for Career Success!
The best bits of my A-Z tips have been when I get to show you my real personality and coaching style!
Here I have summarised my favourite tips and summarised why they are important to me, and how I have used them with my clients.
Behaviour covers a wide variety of personality traits (conscious and unconscious), emotional feelings, beliefs and habits which we all have.
But behaviour is the way we SHOW these to the world!
In most interview situations, the people in the room don’t know you and the ways they find out about you are the verbal answers you give and your behaviour.
Your behaviour is key to showing who you are, what you want and how you feel.
In a job situation I know it’s quite nerve wracking, but you need to show positive, sellable behaviours at all time!
Show the interviewer you want to be in that room, and you want that job!
Show your personality so they can see the real person they will employ.
Show off and enjoy the interview!
Behaviour is a key focus for me when I coach my clients. Once we nail the foundations about you and what you want, the next step is portraying that out in the world through your actions and behaviour.
The A-Z tip for behaviour would be to know it, practise it, and believe it!

This was one of my most passionate posts! You can tell from the blog that I wrote accompanying the tip (here). I feel very passionate about giving and receiving a great handshake!
In the blog I write about how to give the perfect handshake – the MOST IMPORTANT tip I would want you to take away is to give a strong handshake at the start of meeting someone AND at the END!
Leave a strong, positive, lasting impression, with eye contact, a smile and a great short strong handshake.
The A-Z tip for handshake is to get it strong, practise it and do it a the start AND end of an interview!
Practical Toolkit

As you may have heard me talk about before I focus my coaching within two areas – your practical toolkit (CV, covering letter and portfolio) and your personal toolkit (personality, behaviour, approach, goals and strategy).
The foundation and most important phase of a job search is phase one – writing and creating your practical toolkit.
Once you have your CV, covering letter, and portfolio nailed and in place you will be such a strong job seeker and will be able to implement strategies and behaviours to stand out above the competition and really nail the job interview for the job that YOU want.
Your practical toolkit is key to being truthful in what you want and why. Everybody needs a CV, and I pride myself with the experiences and coaching that I offer to make sure you own your CV and it’s successful.
Your added value comes from a strong covering letter and a stand out portfolio. These are tangible assets that you can have in your toolkit which help you to focus and communicate out your strengths, skills and ambitions.
If you need to improve your practical toolkit, just get in touch- book a free discovery call- HERE.
Also check out my blog post for how to instantly improve your CV today by writing a personal statement – Blog link here.
The A-Z Tip for Practical Toolkit is to have all 3 pieces in your toolkit, work on them to really make them the foundation piece to positively selling yourself in the right industry with the right words!
One of my last posts, but one of my favourites to show my oddball personality was ‘Yes’.
I am in the coaching business for a reason.
Firstly because I have had career success and want to help others achieve this.
Secondly because I believe that anyone can get the job of their dreams.
I am my clients cheerleader in giving them a positive attitude, putting them first in their job search and focusing on the goals they want (with a polite poke if they need it!).
So – here is a little secret for you …….. I love to high five people when things work! And (even more embarrassing) I love to copy Bryan and do the ‘YES, YES, YES Hands in the air fist pump action!!’
(My neighbours must think I am weird- but I don’t care!).
Here is the action to show you!… Go on try it, give it a go! Really go for it!
YES you can get the job you want!
YES I can definitely help you nail that job interview!
YES you can qualify and get paid more!
I would love to work with ambitious qualifying accountants who want to move up the career ladder and have an amazingly successful finance career. Get in touch now if that is you and we can make this happen in 2018.
The A-Z tip for Yes is Go for it, put your hands up in the air and fist pump your career and your life! Be an ambitious carers seeker and take action. YES you can!
Where to go from here…?!
The A-Z tips are just the start of the amazing content I will be bringing to you!
If you like what you read above, then check out the full A-Z tips over on my IG page HERE (feel free to follow me – Pretty_Successful_Careers )
If you love what you read and need to change your job in 2018 – the get in touch and set up a free discovery call – link
If you need to see more of me and my approach, that is totally cool with me – you can read my other blogs HERE.
You can follow me on Facebook HERE
You can sign up for my free download HERE
Oh also- I nearly forgot! I have setup a free and confidential Facebook Group – ‘The Career Seekers Club’. This is a confidential space for you to get direct access to me, for your careers advice, study support and practical tips to really help you implement a job change now! HERE is the link (just answer the questions to get approval).
Thanks for being an amazing career seeker! I cant wait to get to know you and work with you soon!