I’m Helen Pretty … hence the business name…
I’m an experienced CIMA qualified Finance Manager, and Accounting Revision Coach.
Here to help you
Feel CONFIDENT about your exam,
Revise in ways that work,
Break down the wall of fear,
Fulfil your ambitious potential,
AND get those Accounting letters after your name!
When I was 21 I had a 1st Class Business Studies Degree in place, a Finance Assistant job in a large Pharmaceuticals company and just about to start my CIMA exams! It was an exciting time and I was finally on the final path of being a ‘proper’ Accountant.
I knew that I wanted a Finance career path, but wasn’t sure how to get there, but I knew the first step was my Accounting qualification. If you are at the start of your career path, or a little lost in the middle, then I can help you get clear on what a finance career path looks like and what goals you can set to implement a strong journey to have the best success and rewards.
When I was 25 I was working as an Assistant Accountant in a finance department for a distribution company. I was working full time and studying at the local BPP during my weekends, fitting in revision sessions and days off to study with my annual leave from work. It was a tough juggling act, trying to do it all and have a life!
As I took on more financial responsibility at work, the exam prep became harder and my life revolved around the next exam sitting and how I was going to study and pass. I sacrificed some of my social life in order to get that exam passed and one step closer to qualifying.
I have gone through the struggles that you are currently facing and understand how hard it is to ‘loose’ a whole weekend inside studying. I have come out the other side of the studying/working nightmare and let me tell you – Oh it is amazing! The rewards I have got (financially and non-financially) are totally worth it.
I would love to work with you as you qualify to help build you confidence, support you with tips and advice to be able to pass that exam whilst having a strong Accounting position in your 9-5 but most of all have a life balance whilst nailing those exams.
The day finally came when I qualified in 2013 (aged 31!). I was ridiculously focused and determined during my last exam. This one suited by skill set more (it was a case study style), so because I had done some work on my strengths and weaknesses I was able to improve my confidence and knew I could pass this one first time and finally finish this hard but worthwhile qualification.
Trust me, I know you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and sitting that last exam seems too far in the future to be able to focus on. But I have been there and done it, so can and want to help you do the same. For the days you have lower confidence, I can positively pick you up and motivate you – like I did with myself and have done with my clients.
The rewards for having that finish qualified status and official letters after your name are 100% worth it!
I was 31 when I qualified, and I have enjoyed taking some huge promotions and steps UP the career ladder. Instead of my previous Assistant Accountant and Management Accountant job titles, my CV now shows Finance Manager and Finance Lead. I have taken on more senior finance responsibility and developed my skill set to authoirse the Accounts, be responsible for year-end audits, lead and present the financial results in monthly Board meetings and give other senior managers value added financial awareness.
I know how important your 9-5 work is once you qualify. I know you don’t want to be doing the same finance work or month end work you are doing right now. It’s good, but its not challenging you, or you are over worked and your manager just sits there and waits for you to finish all the journals and reconciliations.
Being qualified helps you step up to earn the salary you deserve and do the work of a qualified accountant. I have been there and done it and want to help you achieve the same success.
In 2016 I was made redundant, and I was fortunate to have a nice amount of cash in the bank (thanks to my high finance salary). I took a few months off to travel to some amazing places – including Budapest, Venice, Miami, Berlin and Cappadocia.
By the way there is nothing wrong with a career break on your CV – it’s how you word it and feel about it that counts for a new job. If you’ve had a career break and don’t know how to talk about it in an interview situation then I can definitely help you and build your confidence to show an interviewer there is nothing to be concerned about and how amazing you are because you had the break!
I have worked my way up the finance career ladder by moving jobs and industries, having had many interviews and being the interviewer for positions in my company and teams has given me very valuable insight and confidence to know what you need to do to nail that job move.
I haven’t been successful in all the interviews I have gone for- but I never give up – The feeling of nailing the interview for the right job is amazing, best of all the new promotion makes me super happy and proud to be a qualified Finance lead.
I have learnt a lot of interview and recruitment tips which I can share with you to help make the career jumps needed to achieve Accounting success.
I am a Accounting Revision Coach specialising in creating, developing and implementing YOUR practical and personal toolkit and creating an AMAZING revision strategy for YOU to get the qualified Accounting job of YOUR dreams!
⭐ I have had 10 jobs in 5 different industries which means I can relate and support you in a variety of Accounting roles.
⭐ I have had 15% and 24% pay rises since I’ve been qualified, which means I know how to help you reach your financial goals.
⭐ It took me 6 years to qualify which means I know how to help you stay on track
⭐ I didn’t pass some of my exams 1st time – so I know the tricks and tips to support you to pick yourself up with confidence.
⭐ I have over 14 years in finance roles which means I know how to help you adapt to different environments, deal with commercial challenges and any struggle you come across (If there’s a challenge you’ve faced, I’ve been there)
If you’re looking for support and my story resonates with you, I’d love to help you explore what’s going on, where you want to be, and how we can get you there.