Hey guys!
So I have been set a little challenge (Thanks Maddie!) … and I love a fun little challenge.. so here is my blog for this week – Fun facts about me! Using Gifs! (because that’s cool right?!)
So, for those who don’t know me. I am Helen Pretty, your career coach and mentor!
Here are some fun facts about me!
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels – My amazing little dogs!
I own two lovely, but slightly crazy Cavalier King Charles Spaniels – called Emily and Spencer. Emily is 11 ½ and is a Tri- colour, and Spencer is 9 and is a Blenheim colour.
Emily has lost her front teeth, so her tongue permentantly sticks out to the side of her mouth now, which is cute but looks hilarious! Spencer can normally be found on the second stair in my house with his head leaning on my trainers! Yep, like I said they are slightly crazy (like me!)
Roast Dinners
Absolute favourite food .. ever… is a roast dinner! Okay, yes it is more of a meal than one food… but it is the best meal I have and will eat! YUM YUM. No question that the best roast dinner is pork and every roast must come with Yorkshire puddings. I learnt how to make real Yorkshire puddings from my cousin Jason about 30 years ago!
Postage Stamps
You know when you’re a kid you normally collect something – like pin badges, owl ornaments (oh yeah I did that)… well as an adult I am proud to say I am obsessed with used postage stamps and collect quite a few!
I don’t put them in a folder or anything grandad like, but I do cover furniture and frames with them – see here…
I love how postage stamps have been around for ages and ages and each one has a story! I love to write letters and send to my late nana and grandma. For Christmas once I took a photo of Emily in a elf hat and used it as a postage stamp to send my Christmas cards.
I have been fortunate to travel to many places in the world so far. I love to travel and explore new places and cultures. I will be sharing more of my travel stories with you over the coming months because travel to me is the biggest reward I have gained from having an amazing (senior level) career. Setting rewards is really important to me as I love to work towards something.
After I graduated I spent 2 months trekking (in a minibus) across North America. It was the 1st long travelling trip I have taken and I saw some amazing and crazy sites, as you can imagine in the US. Ranging from a spam museum, a field in the middle of nowhere with a massive (I mean massive) Green Giant (you know the sweetcorn man!) and watching ‘The Wedding Crashers’ at the cinema with everyone laughing out loud! (I’ve never been to the cinema in the UK where anyone talks let alone laughs out loud!)
There you go.. some fun facts about me! Hope they made you smile as much as it made me smile finding the selection of Gifs for you!
I would love to learn more about you, how about you send me a FB or IG message with a Gif on that best describes you! We may or may not use it for your Linkedin profile or job application !
Facebook is ‘Pretty Successful Careers‘
Instagram is ‘Pretty_Successful_Careers‘
Thanks! Helen x