Does having accountability keep you on track – absol – fricking – lutley!
Do I think you perform better with accountability – hell yes!
Why though Helen … well obvs I’m gonna reveal all in this week’s blog, but ultimately it’s because bring held accountable brings out an inner strength in (most) of us.
That strength brings out an extra push of commitment, confidence, courage and motivation.
These four key elements lead to success – be it faster, happier or quantifiable success.
Do I believe you can succeed on your own – of course!
But I truly believe that having accountability keeps you on track – so you will get there faster and with more confidence … 100%!
Sports Psychology
I am huge sports fan, when I was growing up, I played loads of sports but my main focus was ice skating – Yes I skated internationally and #funfact I received a gold medal from Jane Torvill once.
Sports and sports psychology in particular fascinates and inspires me.
Usain and Serena are champions in their field {Yeah, I call them by their 1st names cos that’s how iconic they are – right!}
Of course I know you don’t want to be iconic in Accounting – you ‘just’ wanna pass your exam!
But the confidence, motivation and drive their have for their race or match is something I want to talk about and I really want you to strive towards.
Strive towards the absolutely certainty and self confidence Serena and Usain have in themselves.
They know with deep self confidence that they can WIN and get that GOLD medal {Yes I’m shouting with capitals, but I’m making my point ?}
You might not resonate with Usain and Serena the way I do, so I encourage you to embrace the strengths of your sportsman, woman or team that you watch.
The way you watch them that inspires you, if you were on their team or working with them to run faster, score that point, find that extra 0.23 seconds or throw that extra millimetre.
The way a sport or sportsman shows up and gives 100% is an incredible strength ?
With the Olympics coming up I am here to remind you that you can pass your next exam, just like Usain can win another Olympic gold.
No, I’m not trying to be cheesey or force the link between Olympic gold and accounting exams – I’m being real with you guys, because the self belief, accountability, training and determination Mr/Mrs Olympian has can absolutely be replicated in your revision phase.
Answer this question – What personality traits do I see in *my sportsman* that I wanna replicate in my revision phase?
No I am NOT doing it FOR you
A coach does not do the work for you.
They do not play the match or run the race or do the exam for you.
The best coaches support you to make sure you give the best attempt you can on the day.
Do you think Serena and Usain are champions in their field because they did it alone?!
Do you think a sportsman wins gold because he or she got their coach to do the work for them?!
I’m not saying this to be mean or rude guys, I’ll be honest, I’ve worked with some qualifying accountants in the past and they come to me cos they want to pass the exam, but they want me to tell them exactly what to do, how, when and why … I might as well do the exam for them!
? I’m a coach for loads of reasons, because I can bring out your skills and align them with a CIMA or ACCA exam whilst really boosting your exam confidence! ?
I have run the race, tripped up on the way and got back up, kept running and I’m very proud to have crossed the finish line (with a few bruises) and have my plaque up on the wall.
One of the main reasons why I am a coach, and a passionate coach ? is because I don’t want you making the same mistakes that I did!
I keep you accountable.
I can get you there faster, more prepared and more confident.
I can’t guarantee you an exam pass {I wish I could} but I can absolutely guarantee that a coach will keep you accountable and keep you on the right track ?
Climb your mountain vibes
You might know by now that I love an analogy, and I use the mountain climb analogy quite a lot!
Did you know that I climbed Mount Snowdon a few years ago?
I set my goal in March 2019 to climb in August 2019.
I set my route plan to go up the Pyg Track and down the Miners track {not the easiest route!}
And I got a coach – well a PT – Because I needed to boost my fitness level… this is Snowdon, not a local ramble around Butser Hill.
I loved going to the gym and training, packing my bag, getting my kit, food and map sorted and I loved knowing I was 100% going to achieve my goal.
⛰️ There I was on the track up the mountain, and I was knackered! I had stopped so many times and the road seemed like it was getting longer not shorter!
I kept going, taking more photos and some videos (which no-ne has yet seen!) and I was struggling.
I can’t show you guys the videos cos I was struggling … mentally.
My mindset was strong, but ouch I needed more confidence and self belief.
Everyone was walking up past me, some even running {what?!} and I was doubting my ability – yes me! Confident Helen {and if you’ve seen me or know me, then you know I actually have so much self confidence ?}
Half way up the track I took two videos – one real, honest and raw about how hard this was and how rubbish I felt.
Then I put the camera on again and did a positive video – About how amazing it was, how I was doing so well and “wow wasn’t this fun!” … totally had to have a word with myself and boost my own mindset!
I climbed Snowdon in 7 hours and 46 minutes.
I climbed Snowdon alone.
I wish I had a stronger mindset cos I 100% know that I would have done it in less time and enjoyed it more.
I didn’t have to do it alone and I wish I had the coach with me as I climbed because I truly believe it would have made a difference.
What do you think?
Of course it’s easy for me to say that now.. that’s what you’re thinking.
But nope – I climbed Snowdon so that I could help you guys, make a few videos to support your exam journey, enjoy a hike and a pretty view.
I am so passionate about having a coach now from a few of my personal experiences – failing so many of my CIMA exams and most recently climbing Snowdon.
I didn’t realise it would impact me so much.
I am so glad I am an Accounting Revision Coach – not just any coach – but for CIMA and ACCA only.
I bring the accountability to your revision phase (on purpose) because that is where I wish I had had more help and support.
And climbing Snowdon proved to me that mindset is the key ingredient to any form of success.
I’m here as your Revision Coach to bring your exam success … let’s do this!
I’ve got your back
I’m not dragging you kicking and screaming to your study are or exam centre.
I’m not a coach to make or force you to revise.
When I say “I’ve got your back” (and yes I say it all the time) I mean I’m supporting you so we can stay on track.
Support you ? so that you can implement revision techniques that work.
Motivate you ? so that you feel genuinely happy and prepared with your revision phase.
Encourage you ? so that you believe that you can absolutely pass your exam (especially if it’s a resit)
Giving you the coaching expertise to have the right accountability and mindset to PASS your exam!
Expert knowledge makes all the difference!
This is a key part of the successful formula, which works esp for qualifying accountants.
You want someone who has been there and done it.
Having coached hundreds of qualifying accountants and being CIMA qualified, I am an expert in my field.
Let alone the passion and enthusiasm I have for you guys and how much I care about you finishing what you started, and getting your plaque up on the wall.
Tell me if you don’t agree, but expert help really makes a difference when I know I need help with something specifically.
If you had a toothache – you would go to a dentist – right?! ?
Olympians success
Do you think Usain Bolt won gold on is own?!
Or Serena Williams get her 23rd grand slam title on her own?!
Nope, of course they had expert help and support.
Like I said, I love a sport analogy reference, mainly because these sports men and women inspire me so much.
And we – you and me – can create similar exam success together too!
YesHelen – your CIMA or ACCA qualification is as important ad special and as an exciting achievement to me, as a gold medal.
I’ve been told all my life that I’m a bit too keen and enthusiastic – especially for things that I am very passionate about.
I’m good with that – cos I’m ridiculously committed to YOUR exam success (and my clients are passing)
Tas came to me enquiring about his CIMA strategic case study resit and he said “erm, Helen, you’re very enthusiastic!” ??
He is the one laughing and smiling now because he got coached by me and passed his final exam, so is now fully qualified {Click here to join my case study mastermind and pass like Tas}
Do you need some accountability?!
To be honest, I believe everyone achieves more with accountability, be it confidence, motivation and or success.
Of course I have some coaching accountability options for you if you are ready for the next step of your journey.
No worries if you’re not ready to pay me yet ? Keep reading my blogs to support you.
? For weekly accountability ? How about my Ultimate Revision Club
? BESPOKE If you need to grab some bespoke 1:1 accountability ? let’s have a chat about paid 1:1 coaching
?TIPS – If you want to get to know me a little more before you decide ? Grab my free revision tips
I have options for you because I know everyone is at difference stages of their accounting journey.
First and foremost I want to leave you with this coaching tip …