Whether you got 98 on your objective test or 78 in your case study … this blog is for you.
As your Accounting Revision Coach I am on a mission to give you revision focused support so that your exam journey is full of motivation, self confidence and the right exam techniques!
I write a few blogs every month to support your revision journey.
Today’s blog is focus towards CIMA case study exams … but of course the tips, enthusiasm and Helen coaching style will share the revision love!
I failed loads of my exams, it took me nearly 6 years to qualify and it was tough!
I don’t want you making the same mistakes as me, and I reallllllllyyyy don’t want you to feel alone.
You are not alone, you are now in my Revision World … and I am here until YOU pass your CIMA or ACCA qualification and get your plaque up on the wall!
Because I struggled through my exams, especially the revision phase, I focus on revision coaching cos it’s what I wish I had more support in.
As a resitter myself, I also focus on coaching resitters .. this blog is for you if you are resitting your CIMA case study.
{If you are a resitter, you can also read this blog
If you got 76 or 78 marks in your CIMA case study …
Let’s have a chat about how you can pass your resit.
What is it about this mark that is so annoying?!
Oh … I’ll tell ya … it’s because the mark shows that Mr CIMA has just confirmed that you don’t quite know the right answers!
Yeah but … could he not just round it up?! It’s only one mark!
And could you just go back through and check, that one extra sentence from subtask 2.4 was so great!
And couldn’t they just do me a favour and read it again for that extra mark … I tried really hard!
These are some of my thoughts from when I got 1 mark less than the pass mark! {When I sat my exams the pass mark was 50}
I’ll be real and honest with you guys (as always) and say that I failed loads of my exams, but I never failed my case study.
I got my fair share of 48 and 49 fail marks … so I know if you are in the same position, I know how you are feeling.
Yes, I once paid for my script to be remarked because I really thought I had passed. I know this is easy for me to say, but there is zero point getting your exam remarked (because the result will stay the same and you’ve just spent ££ for nothing)
If you got 76 or 78 marks in your CIMA case study…
I want you to repeat after me “I am a smart Accountant and I will pass next time”
It’s true!
Of course if you freak out, give up, or throw your books in the bin then you won’t resit and then you’ll never pass.
But I have got your back and you’re in my revision world!
I say it aaaallllllll the time, but it is true!
You can pass your resit!
You can tweak your revision, learn an exam structure that works, find that extra preseen nugget, and most importantly you absolutely can learn how to answer the exam questions in ways that bring you 1 or 2 extra marks!
But …. A big caveat! …. YOU need to believe you can pass your resit!
How to overcome the confidence knock that this mark brings
Confidence is the glue that holds all of your revision jigsaw pieces together.
I know that you are thinking “Oh I need to go back and read all of the study texts again and relearn everything and focus on all the technical elements and all the syllabus things…”
Whilst the technical elements are important, of course this is a CIMA exam, they are not (I repeat NOT) the way that will help you pass your resit.
You just got 76 or 78 marks … you knew loads of technically relevant answers …. What you didn’t know was how to structure your sentences, to give that extra detailed level of explanation.
Now we need to focus on exam answer creation and exam techniques.
BUT … first it’s way more important to me that you boost your exam confidence and confidence in yourself that you KNOW and truly BELIEVE that you can pass your resit and that you are smart ‘enough’.
Confidence is the glue that holds all of your revision jigsaw pieces together
As your Revision Coach I focus on confidence as one of my superpowers because it is what is going to give you strength.
Strength on your exam day to find that extra two or three sentences, strength on that tough Saturday during revision when you just want to give up again, and strength of character to remember and truly believe that you can get your 80 pass mark.
As a resitter, your confidence is knocked a little bit, I totally get it. But it does not (and should not) make a negative impact on your revision.
You know my secret formula … Knowledge + Confidence = Success!
Let’s focus on building your knowledge AND confidence muscles every single day to strengthen your exam preparation so that you get the exam success on your resit!
Client testimonials
– Victor … Sophie … Nadeem … they are some of my CIMA case study students and they all got 78 and this is some of thier feedback …
Victor – OCS Aug 2021 “The biggest takeaways I took from Helen’s coaching was positivity, consistency and confidence”
Sophie – MCS – Feb 2021 – ” The brainstorming was brilliant, it was the highlight of the sessions. I cannot thank you enough for all the support and being there for me through all the highs and lows. I’ve not only learnt how to prepare for my exam in a smarter way”
Nade – MCS – Feb 2021 – “Well taught and well run. It has made me think outside the box, and develop my sentences. It has enabled me to incorporate strategy and stakeholders into more questions”
And yes… guess what! They went from 78 marks … to PASS! {Nade got 105 marks}!
YES They all passed their resit! As part of my CIMA Mastermind – Here is your special free webinar invitation so you can grab some Helen coaching too!
What to do
(The right case study tactics as a resitter)
Okay … let me give you some Helen coaching {ssshhh…. Most people pay for this revision tip}
But cos you’re committed and you’re reading all of this blog, I want to help you out.
And I reward action takers, and I want you to take smart action so that you resit with confidence!
I’ve coached hundreds of qualifying accountants over the last eight years and I would never judge or say ‘You are doing this wrong’ … but I have seen lots of the same revision struggles and of course I know all of my revision mistakes!
For you, as you are resitting your case study what I want you to focus on is truly understanding how you can utilise and apply the core activities.
Mr CIMA gives you a blueprint which is vital for your case study success, and within this there are core activities and I can statements for each specific case study level.
This is your bible! This is what I want you to focus on and use as your technical foundation piece.
When to do it
(To make a difference so you get that pass next time)
When should you resit ? on the next sitting
When should you revise ? every single day {consistency creates confidence}
Let’s pass your resit … with confidence!
When should you work on your confidence ? Every.single.day
When should you start believing YOU can pass ? Right now! And every.single.day
? I’ve got your back! ?
Webinar invitation
If you couldn’t tell by now (or in my daily Linkedin posts I am ridiculously committed to you passing your CIMA qualification and getting that plaque up on the wall!
I am also a massive revision geek when it comes to the CIMA Case Studies – I love them and they are the best exams … ever!!
I have two invitations for you!
Firstly I host a free and live webinar that I would love to invite you to!
‘My top 3 case study secrets’
In this webinar I promise to give you some coaching that will highlight and show you what you need to do that will make a difference to get your 80 pass mark!
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for the next webinar >>
Secondly, if you are ready to commit and want me to coach you for your case study resit.
I have created a CIMA Case Study Mastermind.
A combination of weekly group brainstorming {where I lead and focus you on your preseen specific discussions} PLUS a revision hut {full of preseen specific resources, videos, exam templates, and some practice questions}
⛰️ CLICK HERE TO grab your seat on the mountain climb ⛰️
Thanks for reading guys! I love writing for you, revision advice, revision tips, everything revision … haha … they don’t call me a revision geek for nothing! ?
Feel free to DM me and ask any questions you have about revision, CIMA Case studies, the Mastermind, or anything so that WE can get YOUR exam passed … with confidence!
Reach out on Linkedin or email: hello@prettysuccessfulcareers.co.uk
Have a great week! H x
P.S – There are loads of blogs already here for you to read, plus more coming in the next few months.