I bang on about a 4-6 week revision phase allll the time!
No, not because I want to extend your exam journey.
It’s mainly because I want you to become a smart, confident Accountant.
I speak to qualifying accountants every day, I hear your struggles and I know exactly what you’re going through – I’m not just a random coach.
I am a CIMA qualified Accountant and I failed loads of my exams, my exam journey took me nearly 6 years and I struggled in so many ways.
I struggled in my revision phase by not understanding what I was actually meant to do.
I struggled when I had to sit a mock paper to time … I mean – how fricking hard is that?!
I knew the knowledge, but I really struggled with putting the knowledge together with the exam questions.
The revision struggle is real!
You might be reading this so far and thinking “It’s easy for you Helen, hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I just can’t do it!”
Firstly, there is no such word in the English dictionary as “can’t” … try find it, it’s not there ?
And secondly, you CAN achieve anything you want to!
Anything you want to put your mind to and anything you BELIEVE you can do.
I talk about self belief and confidence all the time, feel free to follow me on Linkedin for my daily posts.
My 3 super coaching powers are exam technique, motivation and confidence.
Today’s blog is focused on exam technique.
As always, I will give you a caveat of confidence. You need to boost your confidence everyday in your revision phase.
But you also, need to have a 4 week revision phase.
Gosh, there are so many reasons, but like I said, it’s mainly so that you become a smart confident Accountant (Erm, that’s why you’re doing your ACCA or CIMA – right?!)
Exam structure is important to me
Exam structure is about creating and designing the logical steps and path you need for exam success.
This is so important to me and my style of coaching because I like a plan … no correction – I love a plan!
I need to know what I am doing, when and how.
Having an exam structure adds such a solid foundation to my day and makes me take the right action {instead of just thinking about doing it!}
With my students, I focus on a strong exam structure so we have a solid foundation to build from. Build the right knowledge base, with a strong confidence base and mot importantly confidence in the right exam techniques.
Key point of exam structure
Without a strong exam structure you have a blank canvas.
I believe there is nothing more demotivating than a blank piece of paper!
The key points of exam structure are
? Solid foundation for learning
? Which gives you a clear direction on what to do
? This leads to being able to see HOW and take action!
What revision magic can happen in 30 days?
Congratulations for being here and being in my revision world! ?
I fricking love coaching you guys and giving you all the smart exam and revision tips!
I focus on revision on purpose – because it’s where I wish I had had more help and support.
The revision phase of your exam journey is where you actually learn HOW to pass your exam!
Hence why I bang on about the revision phase allllll the time.
And a 4- 6 week revision phase is an amazing exam structure to have!
Exam confidence – Building the right exam confidence takes time, it doesn’t magically happen. So having 30 days to plan, focus and take consistent action will really develop, build and optimise your exam confidence.
Self belief – If you don’t believe you will pass your exam – then you probably won’t pass! By structuring your revision phase over 30 days will allow you to see your practice progress, one step at a time, and with stronger preparation comes stronger self confidence.
Topic clarity – Remember the exam is not a test of what you can regurgitate from the study text. To pass you need to be able to recall and analyse specific topics within a given scenario. With a 30 day revision structure you give yourself the ability to practice smartly on how to recall within your exam conditions – I truly don’t believe you can do this level of smart practice in 1 or 2 weeks.
If you’re reading this and ‘only’ do a 1 week revision phase
Well, let’s be honest, were not going to be best friends now are we?! JOKES! ???
Sorry, that was my attempt at being funny, of course I want us to be friends!
Even if we don’t become friends, all I actually care about is YOU passing YOUR exam and getting YOUR plaque up on the wall!
If you currently focus your revision in 1 week, please could you check in with these few suggestions and make a few adjustments for me.
? Consider your confidence level
? And your exam recall
Is this as strong and powerful as you need for your exam pass?
Just for the record – if you are cramming and stressing before your exam and can’t stop yawning, let’s be honest, the answer to the above is a big fat NO!
The difference between study and revision.
You might be able to tell by now, that I am quite a structured planned lady.
And when I talk about the revision phase, I am specific, on purpose.
There is a big difference between study and revision. Last month I wrote a blog all about this – click here to read.
If you are ‘only’ spending 1 week on your revision phase, then have a check in with the blog so you understand what I explain and coach as the difference.
How to revise in 30 days!
Cos I’m a smart Accountant – I have a revision opportunity to talk to you about.
I am an action taker, and I reward action takers.
And a 30 day revision phase is very important to me!
Plus .. my students are passing their exams!
So, if this blog or any of my coaching has resonated with you, this is your chance to learn HOW to revise in 30 days.
My signature revision course – funnily enough it’s called ‘How2revise in 30 days!’ is where I put together a revision structure for you.
My students have tried and tested my coaching techniques, boosted their confidence and most importantly pass their resits!
If you want that to be you, come and have a look at my signature revision course … the only revision course you need in your life! Ha… okay, you will need a question bank as well.
But trust me, this course is epic!
This is your invitation to pass your exam with confidence – come and look HERE.
The benefits of a 4 week revision phase
As this blog title suggests a 4 week revision structure has some benefits!
Let’s talk about my top 3 benefits.
? Quality exam condition practice
? Boosts confidence in your knowledge
? Consistency create confidence
There is so much detail I could go into for each one, especially cos I am so passionate about supporting you, I tend to get a little enthusiastic!
So, let me leave these thoughts with you instead.
These 3 benefits WILL allow you to stay motivated whilst you are revising, keep you on the right revision track for your exam and give you the exam confidence you need for your exam pass.
But only if you have a 30 day revision phase!
I actually did a Linkedin Live and Instagram live discussing these 3 benefits specifically – so check them out on my social media profiles to see the detail!
If you are a resitter
Most of my students are resitters (when they start with me) and I was a resitter for lots of my CIMA exam. So I always aim to give you extra help & support.
? Confidence is very important as a resitter because you need to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, but actually tweak your revision to pass next time!
? Building knowledge through question practice is key (not through the study text)
Like I said, I am here to help and support. I have written a resitters specific blog, which you are welcome to read here.
Risks of not having a 4 week revision phase
? Procracsta-learning.. a new term {I’ll be writing a separate blog just on this word, cos that’s how important it is to NOT do!}
? Build wrong kind of confidence
? Cramming/energy levels
? Exam failure {face palm}
I don’t want to keep firing bullet points at ya, but I’m aware how long this blog already is … and I want to keep your attention! So I will write a separate blog another time about the risks of not having a revision phase!
Keep in touch to catch more blogs, daily Linkedin posts and weekly emails!
Have a great day and reach out if you have any questions!