Hi guys!
I have nearly 5000 Linkedin connections (If that’s not you – why not ? – just click here to connect).
And I have been asked may times over the last few months to ‘What I do’ and ‘Can I teach the syllabus’ to you. I wanted to write an article to give you all the answers you need!
What do I do ?!
So, I coach qualifying accountants and yes I can technically teach the syllabus (because I’m CIMA qualified and work in a senior finance position) but teaching the course to you is not my business nor what I want to offer you guys.
I am an accounting coach for qualifying and qualified accountants to help you pass your exams, move up the career ladder and get the Accounting job of your dreams.
I work in conjunction with study resources (BPP, online tutors, study texts, self-study, ACCA or CIMA official materials) to give you all the other skills and tools on how to get that exam pass.
I believe you won’t pass the exam by just reading the books and going to class! (Shock emoji face – did she just say that?!)
I love a sport psychology reference and it helps to illustrate the answer perfectly.
Imagine an Olympian, let’s say Mo Farrah, he will have a tutor to teach him how to technically run (ie put one step in front of the other). Mo will have a coach to focus and support him to how to win a race.
Qualifying accountants have tutors to teach the syllabus and some exam skills. They have a coach to know HOW to successfully pass the exam.
Do you think Mo Farrah won 4 Olympic gold medals without a coach!?
An accounting coach is a new concept, I get it, there are not many of us! How great is it that coaches like me (qualified accountants) are available for YOU (YES you!!) to work with and have expert coaching from to really get that qualification and really get that £40k/£50k finance job!
What’s the difference for you?
1- End Results
I have been exactly where you are, sat in the BPP classroom being taught (and getting bored) learning the syllabus and at home on my kitchen table with books and notes open staring into space trying to self-study!
All I really cared about was passing the exam. Getting that 50% exam pass!
And that’s all I care about now – coaching YOU to successful pass your exam.
I truly believe you won’t pass the exam by just knowing the syllabus (okay some prize winners might be able to do that, but it’s the minority).
To pass the exam you need to know how to answer the questions, with confidence and technical ability. The study resources give you the technical ability and my coaching gives you the tools and support to put in place the other skills to get that pass.
Tutors give you the technical ability (which is great and you need this) and coaches work on all the other areas, as a holistic approach, but with the focus to getting to the end result!
The pass is the end result, not the study in between (that’s the tutor’s bit)– it’s all about passing.
I know you are and can be an amazing accountant, passing your ACCA or CIMA qualification won’t be the way to prove it! Your work experience combined with your theory will be how you prove how amazing and skilled you are.
I’ll tease you and save the reasons why for another article, so for now just think about the end result of your exam pass and how an Accounting coach (that’s me ? ) can do that.
2- Motivation
A key part of a coach’s role in your success is providing the motivation you need to gain your version of success.
Motivation is ‘the general willingness to do something’.
For Mo Farrah success is winning a 10k Olympic race.
For qualifying accountants (that’s you) success is passing your exam, but also feeling ready and in control to sit and pass your exams, with confidence, technical knowledge and the ability to not loose it all on the day!
A coach is there to support you to get the success you want, to hold you hand through the emotional journey, and to be your cheerleader at every step of the way.
Obviously some tutors do this too, but this isn’t really their role in the process, and these special tutors are in the minority. I have had experience of many BPP tutors, some good, a few great and a few rubbish ones (where I’ve changed classes!)
I would never have qualified without them, so I know they are vital parts of the study and exam process, but their role really is to teach you the content.
Will you be able to successfully pass your exam (with confidence and no stress) if you just have a tutor?
Would Mo Farrah have been able to get those gold Olympic medals if you only had a running tutor?
Motivation is the key part of a coaches role.
I’m an accounting coach and I am here for the journey, not just the study for my clients. I motivate, encourage, support and guide qualifying accountants to successfully pass their exams.
Check out my testimonials and case studies to see what my clients truly think about me!
3- I’m a qualified accountant – so…
I qualified in 2013, not that long ago, and I didn’t pass some of my exams first time, but I did keep going. I also self-studied and paid for ¼ of my resits and exams myself.
Having an expert and experienced coach will make the difference to YOUR success.
I know exactly what you are going through, and the real stressful, frustrating emotions this qualification brings out. It is a tough qualification and mix in a full time trainee accountant job (I had one of those!) and mix in a social life (I tried to have one of those!) and family commitments (I had those!).
I promise you, I know how to support you because I have been there, done it and got the CIMA qualified plaque on my wall!
Imagine Mo Farrah having a choice of 2 coaches to use to support him.
One is a lovely guy who has always worked in banking and knows how to lead a team to smash their finance targets.
The other one is Usain Bolt- someone who has the technical running knowledge, but mainly the real-life empathy, skills and ability to know exactly what Mo is thinking and finding hard, in order to focus on Mo’s version of success.
It’s a no- brainer – Mo will choose Usain Bolt every time! And he will excel in so many ways!
My name is Helen Pretty and I am YOUR Usain Bolt!
I would love to have a chat about being your accounting coach – get in touch today –
My email is hello@prettysuccessfulcareers.co.uk
My Linkedin is – www.linkedin.com/in/helenprettycoach
Have a great week!
Thanks, I would love to hear your thoughts so leave a comment below me ? ?
Its great that you are honest and open about not passing 1st time. There seems to be a stigma about not having first time passes. I didn’t pass first time on every level but still ended qualifying and actual being a good accountant…..people will still employ you and you are still a great accountant whether you pass first time or not. I believe I am a better accountant for NOT passing first time.
This also benefits you Helen in being a better coach for people! Hope we can actually arrange that call in 2019!