Asking the most important question of all – ‘Why?!’
One of my coaching styles is to ask quite a few questions, especially at the start of a new client relationship. This really helps both of us to understand so much!
One of my aims as a career coach is to provide practical advice and resources to transform your job and career search. So I like to know quite a lot to be able to really add value and give you your transformation- hence my style is to ask some fun, but insightful questions. (Don’t panic guys – I only ask career related questions!)
However, I can only really do this once we have established what you want. I love deep diving with my clients to coach them to discover and put themselves first so they really get the job THEY want.
I get so many people saying ‘I don’t really want that job, but x thinks it’s a good idea!’ – well my polite answer back to that would be – ‘Is x going to sit in that job and do the work then?!’
To get the right job for my clients, and to focus in on the career THEY want, I ensure that my coaching is all about them and their journey.
The best bit of that journey is when they hand in their notice!
BUT… to make sure this actually happens YOU only really need to focus and answer one key question ……..
The most important question!
The most important question I can ask is ‘Why’
Knowing, feeling, understanding, believing WHY you are doing this!
· WHY are you looking for a new job?
· WHY are you struggling to nail that job interview?
· WHY do you want a change?
· WHY should a new employer hire you?
And the biggest why of all –
· WHY – what is your reason for living – WHY are you here – What is your life purpose!
I am very happy to share my life WHY with you guys, with the intention of you seeing what I’m talking about – especially if you’re reading thinking ‘I don’t have a why’
If you’re wondering what my WHY is – then read below!
My life WHY – is to write and create a set of books. A long, library wall full of shelves of my life stories. I live my life to create amazing stories so that when someone picks up the book of my life- it’s one of those books they can’t put down. Full of smiles, and laughing and yes some tears. But most of all – an encyclopaedia of books that is bursting with life and stories!
Every day I honestly try to fill up my life with actions, activities and making a difference.
Specifically, my business WHY gives me an outlet to sharing so much knowledge and experiences that I have, be them careers related, life skills or exam techniques that work.
I have my careers coaching business to support and encourage ambitious career seekers (like me) to strive to be the best version of themselves. My clients help me to make a difference (and to write a story in my life book! Which I am super grateful for!)
WHY do I want to be a coach? Answer – because I have some excellent experience and al lot of enthusiasm to bring to others YOU! I’m an open book and will be honest and really focus on YOU and YOUR WHY.
Comment below to share your WHY with me – or if you prefer a private discussion (where your boss won’t see) – then come and join my Facebook Group ‘The Career Seekers Club’.
I would love to make you part of my stories and for you to help me achieve my WHY!
Final thoughts!
How much time have you spent understanding, feeling and believing WHY your life is like this? WHY you are working in that job, or WHY you are studying that qualification?
As you know I love to plan and write in my notebook, and spending a little bit of time (not weeks!!) planning and writing the answers to these WHY questions will give you so much clarity and focus!
With this clarity and focus you will be unstoppable! My clients have found so much motivation and happiness by ‘finding’ their WHY! It has shaped them to be stronger job seekers, more confident in their abilities and determined to find the job of their dreams!
One of my recent clients, Verity, went for a promotion at work- with hundreds of applications. We worked on her Top 5 professional personality traits (blog link here) and her WHY!
Once she explained her WHY – I focused and reminded her to really focus her actions to get that end result! I’m so pleased to say after 3 rounds of interviews Verity got that promotion! She deserves it and her bank balance is loving her for it too!
If you’re struggling with your job search, or you have lost motivation and focus, then please get in touch. I know what you’re going through, and I can help and support you! Email me at and it will be the best email you write in 2018!
Catch me in my FB group ‘The Career Seekers Club’ here (just answer the questions to get approved)