⚠️ Warning ⚠️ This blog is all about CIMA case study ? ?
This is your go to CIMA case study blog!
Oh! I am such a geek when it comes to coaching about the CIMA case studies!
I cannot wait to share my Helen style coaching with you for this one – you have permission to smirk at me!
This is the only exam which I passed 1st time was my strategic case study (previously called TOPCima) and because it’s one of my achievements I love to positively shout about it too!
You know when someone says “Oh I know how to help you” ….
Well seriously trust me now – ‘Cos I absolutely know HOW to get your case study pass…. With CONFIDENCE!
? I’m putting that guarantee out there! ?
I love case studies!
Mr CIMA is amazing for putting 3 into the current qualification!
As a CIMA student you are so fortunate to be examined in this way – so I really want you to positively embrace it!
Keep reading to find out why ?
Why so amazing?!
I’ll be honest with you guys, I’m not a huge fan of multiple choice exams. In my opinion they test in a way which limits your learning and understanding.
One of the biggest tests with Objective tests is answering 60 questions in 90 minutes (and getting 45 correct). And I’m personally not convinced that makes the strongest accountant.
What does make strong Accountants are financial exams that encourage conversation, providing solutions, recommendations and questions which test your technical understanding in a way you can apply in real life!
?– cue the CIMA case studies! ?
Yes this blog is going to shout a lot about why case studies are so amazing #sorrynotsorry
But why Helen?!
? They make you think like a real Accountant.
? They give you smart application & analysis skills to use in your Senior Finance Career.
? The focus is on your commercial acumen that you need as a strong qualified Finance lead.
My unique coaching approach
I’m proud to say I have coached hundreds of qualifying accountants over the last 8 years.
I started by being a mentor on the official CIMA mentoring program and in 2018 I setup my own Accounting coaching business.
Every week I coach AAT, CIMA and ACCA qualifying Accountants, but I have to say when a CIMA case study student comes to me for coaching I get very excited!
It’s because I absolutely know I can go into ‘Helen Revision Geek mode’ and bring out my unique style case study coaching.
My coaching is different from all of the tutors and learning providers – which I pride myself on!
I want to be different.
I want you to learn from me, soaking up my enthusiasm and love for this exam.
One of my SCS students said to me “Erm, Helen, you are very enthusiastic!” …. Then he had 4 hours of coaching with me … and passed his SCS!
I will never apologise for being sooooo enthusiastic about case study exams! I love them – and I can support you, so you love them to!
When you love them, you will pass with more confidence!
I love them so much that I have created 3 brand new, super special, signature case study masterminds for you!
To join the waitlist for the next enrolment – click HERE – There are juicy treats for those on the waitlist!
Update: To join the May 2021 Mastermind – CLICK HERE! Doors are open until April 2021!
My promise about THE MASTERMIND!
⭐ I can GIVE you the exam technique to combine the right skills to answer the question within time!
⭐ It will BOOST your confidence so that you walk into that exam knowing you can and will pass!
⭐ We BRING together a small group of likeminded geeks to brainstorm and learn together! (Together everyone achieves more guys!)
⭐ It WILL be full of high-level enthusiastic Helen coaching! – because that’s what gets you motivated to revise more!
⭐ My enthusiasm and passion for case studies will rub off on you (if you like it or not!)
⭐ I promise it will REALLY help you get into case study mode and enjoy your revision! Yes really! You are going to love revising with me!
⭐ There is the SMART mixture of on demand resources, group brainstorming and 1:1 coaching!
⭐ Showing YOU the smart way to revise so you pass your exam … with confidence! First time!
You don’t have to talk my word for it!
* What did Helen bring to your case study revision?
“Helen clearly loves a case study! At first I was intimidated by a 3 hour long exam but Helen broke it down into much more manageable sections, especially for revision purposes which made it seem much less of a chore and much more manageable!”
L – MCS – Feb 2021
How CIMA are structuring the case study exams
CIMA Case study 1 – OCS
The Operational case study (OCS) is your first chance to impress Mr CIMA (and yourself) with your commercial awareness, financial acumen and technical prowess!
OCS is about starting the mountain climb. Learning how to put the technical elements together whilst applying and analysing the case.
The OCS is the 1st chance where you learn HOW to answer case study questions in the right way!
CIMA Case study 2 – MCS
The Management case study (MCS) is your second chance, where you can supe up the volume on how much you have learnt and how you can now really apply it to the real world!
MCS is about stepping up into Finance Manager mode. Learning how to answer technically with recommendations and solutions.
The MCS is where you focus on medium term finances and what they mean for the business.
CIMA case study 3 – SCS
The Strategic case study (SCS) is your last exam … ever!! How exciting!
Here we need to step up strategically and analyse the bigger picture.
The SCS is all about embracing the solutions, challenges, risks and strategy to get off the fence and make a financial opinion!
The three unique case studies examine you in loads of different ways, all using elements of the objective test syllabuses.
There is absolutely a technique and skills to pass each case study uniquely – you nope, you can’t pass the MCS in the same way you sat and passed OCS! ?
How to successfully pass a case study
Gosh there is so many ways I can tell you {But you have to be in my mastermind to get all the juicy answers!} ?
What I will say is that passing a case study is all about how you approach the exam, yes mindset plays a key role in your case study success!
The first thing I say to my case study students is that the exam is not testing you on E+F+P.
They are technical papers, and you have already been tested (and passed them!).
So number ONE tip – do not spend all of your time refreshing your E, F and P knowledge! #putthebookdown!
Secondly the unseen is much more important than the preseen!
The only focus I want you to give the preseen is knowing the fundamentals about the case, the strategy and the stakeholders.
Thirdly and by no means less important – exam conditions must be practised.
Sitting mock exam questions in like for like exam conditions is super important!
In my Mastermind I will show you how, why, when – all the important things!
But obviously you need some exam questions to use – here is where I recommend Astranti *
Astranti will give you some amazing case study practise questions which we can use so that YOU pass your case study … with confidence!
Have a look at their packages here *
Have a read of my blog about ‘Revision confidence’ or ‘Please do not write revision notes!’ to grab more of my specific exam and revision techniques, which are super relevant to a case study.
* What’s the biggest takeaway I took from Helen’s coaching?
“When it comes to the Case Study’s, I found the training providers I used tend to focus on technical knowledge rather than how to correctly answer the question and fully immerse yourself into the case. With Helens coaching it really helped me to think outside of the box and get away from purely the technical aspect.”
Curtis – MCS – Feb 2021
Oh … another one!
“Having the brainstorming sessions gave me another insight into how to approach the OCS exam. Helen has a passion for helping others pass their exams, this shows in each session she puts on.”
Louise – OCS – Feb 2021
Thank you Mr CIMA – From a Finance Manager point of view
As part of my finance teams in my day job, I have recruited many qualifying accountants, and seen hundreds of CV’s and applications.
The CV’s that stand out (and get an interview from me) are where candidates have highlighted skills, alongside achievements and ambitions.
I love to see CIMA students positively showing off about their financial and practical achievements. The case studies are a big part of this, not just for an interview (that’s just one of the tiny reasons) – more importantly for me as a finance manager, it shows me that the candidate has shown their ability to link financial theory with real life scenarios.
Which is exactly what I need and want them to do in my finance team.
So just in case you are thinking “These case studies are pointless?!” … then trust me, your boss, Mr CIMA and your potential employers disagree with you! ?
That’s my coaching take on the CIMA case study exams!
As I’m sure you can tell by now, I have a lot of passion for the CIMA case studies.
I am also ridiculously committed to qualifying accountants finishing what they started and getting their plaques up on the wall!
Yes – you! Yes – your plaque!
I want you to send me a photo of your qualified plaque on your wall!
When you are sitting your next case study – come and join my case study masterminds – so that you pass your next case study … with confidence!
Have a great week!! H x
*Just to give you a heads up and honest (as always) – The Astranti link is an affiliate link – which means if you purchase one of their amazing mock papers, I get a little bit back to help support my coaching – so I can bring better resources to you! You will not be charged differently if you use this link. But I will love you forever if you use it!