My ‘Diaries of an oddball accountant’ is me sharing my highs and lows to the emotional but very rewarding Accounting rollercoaster qualification that I know you guys are on.
Read and use it as a confidence booster (to know you’re not alone) – a motivational story (to prove it’s worth it) – and a fun read (yes, you have permission to laugh at me!)
Over the last and next three weeks I’ve shared my honest, candid, funny and inspiring six-year accounting journey (yeah sounds ages doesn’t it!).
I’d love to hear what you think and where you are in your journey, leave a comment below or send me an email –
How have I not finished yet?!
I am going to summarise this year in one word – Emotional! Yes I know I used that for year 2, but trust me this year was so much more emotional than last year!
The one difference was the emotion was ridiculously worse in 2010, but the results and exam focused was 100% better! Guess what I took 2 exams and pass both of them!
Was my luck changing, no way, but my dedicated and hard work attitude was slowly coming back!
I won’t bore you with all of the personal details, but 2010 was full or personal emotion for me, I separated from my husband and moved out of the family home with my now 2 dogs and lots of sadness.
With this change, I got a new promotion in Reading and a new BPP centre!
As a Senior Management Accountant I was feeling confident at work and ready to show the accounting skills I had and ‘prove’ myself to a new boss and Finance Director. I love working hard and ‘proving’ myself – actions definitely speak louder than words!
I also took a different approach to my studies and revision this year.
I hadn’t proved to myself that I was a great accountant or that I could pass 2 exams in one sitting (completely the opposite in fact!). Being self aware of my exam skill and confidence levels I set out to sit one exam at a time and pass it.
Guess what – That’s exactly what I did! P8 in May and E2 in November – AND I passed with 66% my best result so far.
I wish I had asked for help!
As you know I describe myself as the most determined and ambitious person you will ever meet, which has always been part of me, but grown so much over my CIMA journey.
Another part of me is that I don’t really like to ask for help, you’re the same- right?!
As the newbie at work and college I was learning so much and going through a step in both of my work and exam challenges, but also doing everything on my own.
Honestly guys, this is one of the key reasons why I took ‘so long’ to pass my CIMA, nearly 6 years!
I struggled through the second year and then I focused in year 3, but still all on my own (yeah, get the violins out!).
No wonder I wasn’t part qualified yet. If only I had some real support then I 100% know that I would have passed my exams quicker.
This is my accounting journey and looking back I wouldn’t change 99% of it, but honestly I would change asking for extra help and getting focused with smarter revision, if I had the opportunities or coaches to help me.
Wowser, how emotional was year 3?! I don’t call it an emotional rollercoaster for nothing!
If you’re feeling like you need some support and a group of like minded, ambitious qualifying accountants like you then come on over and join my free group!
We all support each other with our exams, and I lead by giving weekly coaching advice, tricks, videos and amazing (if I do say so myself!) exam motivation. Just click here to join!
See you next week for year 4! (sssshhhhh, it’s my favourite so far). Helen x
P.S – Oh if you’ve missed any of the early diary years – then just click below!
Year 3 – ‘How have I not finished yet?!’ (You’re on it!)
…Year 4 – My power year (coming soon!)
Year 5 – Putting CIMA 1st (properly) (Coming soon!)
.Year 6 – Having that smug feeling & What I’ve done next)