Well this is going to be a different kind of blog today, a real – raw – and vulnerable one.
A reminder that we are all human
And taking opportunities is always absolutely worth it!
The opportunities I’ve taken this year have reminded me that I am a strong lady.
If I had children of my own I would want them to see this, I don’t – so I’ll hope my two amazing nephews see that being yourself and saying yes to opportunities is empowering and courageous – and worth it!
However – the opportunity I took has not gone the way I wanted.
In some moments of reflection in the last week I’ve told myself I have failed!
I’ve cringed and gotten embarrassed and shed a few tears because of the outcome.
It’s not what I hoped would happen or what I planned for.
I’ll tell you the details in this blog, but I want to …. No I need to write about it – reflect – get out my emotions and then I believe this will help me move on.
But right now – ouch 😮
It feels like I’ve just sat and failed my SCS with 79 marks.
I say SCS specifically because that’s the cause of this ‘problem’
Let’s go back to December when I thought “What do I want to do with my business next year?”
My favourite exam is the Strategic Case Study and I’ve coached many students through this exam – I love coaching this one!
So I decided to niche my coaching and coach just Strategic level CIMA students.
I started with creating a new SCS revision course and in January I ran my masterclass and got 6 amazing SCS students in my inner revision world and on my SCS Revision Course.
As always I made sure they had all the resources they needed plus lots of support with confidence and motivational boosts.
I enjoyed the coaching so much – I knew I was going to do it again!
I have always coached SCS students – but this time I made a brand new revision course!
Over the last few months I have been working hard supporting CIMA students and promoting my next Masterclass for SCS students sitting their May case study.
I ran the masterclass last week and it was so fun!
I got to coach 63 students in a room – that’s so amazing! And I loved it.
Not sure how you feel about this business model – but I run masterclasses for two reasons.
👉🏻 Firstly to give value to my students
👉🏻 Secondly to promote and launch my coaching offers – in this case my Revision Course.
You might think “Oh that’s rude or salesly or I can’t believe she tried to sell me something just cos I came to her masterclass”
BUT I stand by this sales model because I know it works to help my students.
And helps me – I am running a business, not a charity.
But this is the ‘problem’
On this occasion, the signup numbers didn’t come.
I’ve put all of my effort into coaching and supporting CIMA students this year and in order to run my business full time I need money in (what a surprise!)
With my masterclass and revision course I had targeted numbers and income … and unfortunately I didn’t meet the targets (I was miles away by the way!)
Erm… this is hard for me to write … but I will…
I ‘needed’ 22 students to signup to my revision course in order to keep running my business fulltime.
And I got ….
One amazing SCS student from the masterclass signed up.
62 students didn’t take the opportunity to learn how to pass their SCS from me.
Which is honestly absolutely fine and I know they have their reasons.
No-one has to revise with me and I would never want to force anyone!
{I’m not being precious or arrogant – maybe too honest, but I take that risk}
However, because I didn’t get the revenue I need, I can’t continue to run my business fulltime.
And yes I am gutted!
And YES I feel like I’ve failed!
If only it had worked … if only I got more students
If only they could see how amazing my course is and how much it would help them
So many emotions and thoughts have been going through my brain!
It’s embarrassing for me to ask, but if you did attend the masterclass, would you let me know your reasons for not investing in my revision course?
I want to change it so I can make it a course you want and need.
{It’s not about me – it’s about you – I would love the opportunity to change the course to make it better for you}
Plan B
So, onto plan B – get a new day job.
Yes I’m gutted 🙃
Gutted that this happened so soon, but I have got to the end of my money pot and there is no magic fairy at the end with unlimited £50 notes!
But I have bills to pay and money in to do that.
And if I’m honest I can’t put 200% effort into my business if it only makes 1% return.
Yes, I will continue to run my coaching business – like I have done for 6 years.
And I’m here to coach and support CIMA students.
I will absolutely focus on achieving my Mission:24in24
🤓 I want to help 24 CIMA students get fully qualified in 2024! 🤓
You’ll see me on Linkedin every day.
I’m determined to keep writing a weekly blog for you.
I will be running a masterclass in July for the August case study sittings (For management and Strategic case studies)
Yes I have both MCS and SCS Revision Courses that you can signup to for August sittings.
But for me it won’t be the same.
I am sad … and gutted.
I didn’t talk about it much, but I got made redundant from my last role and I left in January. It was a stressful one and took lots of my energy and brain space…. Which I don’t care to repeat ever again.
So finding a new job is slightly daunting, especially when interviewers will say ‘what did you do in your last role’
I’m trying not to be picky, but I would like to find a job and employer that I actually like this time!
But I have to put my Finance Manager dress back on and rock up to the Finance world again.
{Reluctantly hanging up my hoodie and lounge wear!}
Have I failed?!
Yes to some people probably … but I don’t think so
{After I’ve dusted myself off I’ll see this as a win and a gain – not a fail or loss}
And when I see £££ in my bank account I will smile.
The fact I can get a Finance Manager job for £50k is a privilege – and it’s because I have my CIMA qualification – but I’ll talk about that as a separate blog – that’s how important and powerful it is!
I always tell my students to have a plan A and plan B.
Cos it’s the smart thing to do and I believe it reduces the emotional pain that happens when plan A doesn’t happen.
But .. I truly believe everything happens for a reason (even if you don’t see or feel it at the time)
So onto plan B!
I want to document this cos it’s a moment in time.
A moment in my life.
It’s not the end of the world and I want to be real and honest and look back in a year or 10 years and think wow ~ I did that!
I took another opportunity to run my business full time and I bloody loved it!
I ran my business and I loved it and didn’t put on a face to pretend everything is okay.
I wish everyone posted their exam results on exam day – aaallll of the fail marks! I want to see them and it would be epic.
👉🏻 To support
👉🏻 To see the reality of studying
👉🏻 To be motivated to keep going
It frustrates me when all I see is the public posts of “I passed!” .. knowing the reality that others failed.
You guys know I totally congratulate you and I’m super proud when you pass.
But hopefully you know what I’m saying – it’s not “just” about passing.
Sitting the exam is an achievement!
The recent Manchester and London marathons have showed the last finisher and there was so much applause – this is what we need to see more of
Real life and real achievements
Well I need to see more of them!
🙃🤦🏻♀️I put in 200% effort and in return got … 1%?! Return?! 🙃🤦🏻♀️
And I’m so grateful I got the opportunity to try!
I’m still coaching and I’m still absolutely determined to achieve my Mission: 24in24
And if you’re sitting your MCS or SCS in August – I have an amazing Revision course for you! 😜
Thanks for reading.
See you next week for a motivational revision blog 🤓❤️