On the 12th day of 2021 my client said to me
“I’m dyslexic, can you still help me?!”
J* came to me in the Summer, whilst he was finishing his Masters and wanted help to start his CIMA journey. His 1st exam was Management Case Study (MCS), and as well as being a case study this was his 1st ever CIMA exam.
J has dyslexia.
Whilst I don’t pretend to be an expert in this area, I know this affects someone’s attention span and logical understanding. I also know numbers and repetition are big strengths.
I also believe that nothing should stop any individual pushing their skill levels and becoming whatever they want.
I’m here to support anyone of any ability to become a qualified Accountant.
J and I have worked together with 1:1 Coaching because he knew he needed bespoke laser focused CIMA support.
The support, enthusiasm and expert CIMA knowledge I can and have provided J has helped him sit his MCS exam.
J has a short attention span ? so instead of my normal 60 minute calls, we have created a smarter 30 minute coaching package that helps keep him laser focused and on the ball.
As well as laser focused bespoke exam techniques which work well with his style of learning and recalling. We reduce the amount of reading and increase his knowledge base in ways he can remember (and repeat properly)
It works so well and I’m so proud of J’s progress in 2021.
We are very excited and committed to the strategic step up for 2022 and I can’t wait to share J’s MCS results with you in January ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 12th day of Christmas there were
Twelve Lords a leaping.
And I want you to be leaping with joy when you get your exam results – even if you have a learning disability.
I will NOT let you think you can’t do this!
You can do anything you want to and that you put your time, effort and commitment into.
? I’ve got your back and I’m here to help you leap higher! ?
For bespoke 1:1 coaching package come and have a chat, just like J did.
Feel free to take a peek at the prices here and book in a call {here} so we can pick a bespoke package that works for you.
The Helen style Twelve Days of Christmas is coming for you! Enjoy!