? #twelvedaysofchristmas ?
On the 8th day of 2021 my client said to me
“I’m over 50 … maybe I should give up?! “
Firstly no one quits whilst they’re in my Revision World!
Secondly age is not a reason why you shouldn’t qualify!
Thirdly if you think you’re too old to pass – then I want to shake you – cos it’s sooo not true!
A, C, and E are just three of my amazing students in 2021. And yes they all happen to be over 50.
Let me tell you about their Accounting journeys.
A is secretly finishing his CIMA qualification ?
At work he is a Finance Director and everyone thinks he is qualified, but he wants a new job and when he looks, he gets rejected for the best roles (rightly or wrongly because he doesn’t have his CIMA letters – sorry guys but this is the reality of the World we live in)
So this year we (I say we cos I’m in this journey with you guys) we have sat and passed E3 and sat SCS (we’re waiting for results in Jan for this one) – so very soon this 52 year old man – after 20 years since starting his CIMA qualification WILL get his letters and plaque up on the wall!
C came to me because F3 is a beast!
Her confidence was not as high as she wanted (or that I needed it to be for her exam success) – you know I passionately care about your revision confidence guys – cos it’s super important.
Even with my coaching C deferred her exam (I’m not a huge fan of deferring exams, but I’ll explain why another time)
But with my weekly Helen style coaching (a nudge of consistent confidence poking ?) C sat and PASSED her F3 exam … first time!
She has also gone onto to sit SCS just 2 months later and passed SCS first time as well (yes really!) and not just any old pass .. she got 96 marks! I mean hello! {She’s still in shock to be honest!}
C is the first to admit she has seen a noticeable difference in her confidence and is just so relieved that she final has no more exams to sit.
We’re working on finished and submitting her PER this month so she can get her plaque up on the wall ASAP
{Yes, keep your eyes peeled for my new Power up your PER online course coming in 2022!}
E is also in the ‘geriatric’ age range … JOKING! ?
She is sitting her ATX ACCA resit and needed some accountability and support.
I’m not going to pretend I’m an ATX tutor and I know all of the tax rules – because I defo do not!
But what I do know is how to structure a revision phase to ensure key formulas, models, and theories are revised in order to get the exam question correct on exam day on that topic!
I say the tutors are amazing and they teach you the theory,
? What I do is coach and teach you on how to pass the exam!
(putting all of those jigsaw pieces together to give you exam techniques, confidence and motivation!) …
In my true opinion you would get so so so so much value from having a tutor AND Helen as your Revision coach.
As well as the ATX Revision structure, E got my coaching enthusiasm on a weekly basis and proper exam hand holding, that let’s just admit – is the human, intangible element that makes such a priceless difference – right?!
Knowing someone is in your Accounting corner, pushing you, leading you and being your cheerleader {Even if it’s not in a technical way}
Just because you didn’t start, pass, finish your qualification in your 20’s does NOT mean you don’t deserve it!
No age excuses in my revision world! ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ?
Of course, on the 8th day of Christmas there were
Eight maids a milking!
My students are most certainly NOT old maids by the way! ? ?
And if you’ve thought about giving up, quitting, beating yourself up cos you failed again, feeling like an old dumb cow, or any other age related, negative Nancy thoughts.
Then I’m here to remind you
YOU can (and deserve) to keep going!
Repeat after me;
❤️ I can pass my exam
❤️ I will keep my head up and keep going
❤️ I am a smart Accountant!
If any of these Christmas revision stories reasonate with you and you want some Helen coaching to pass your next exam – Have a look at my Coaching options
Happy Friday! Have a great day.