Why model answers are crap!
Now I’m aware this is a controversial conversation.
You might not be on the same page as me about model answers … and why model answers are crap.
I know you rely on them.
However, I want to expand your thinking (and learning)
And I’m really passionate about this topic!
Plus helping you see a different perspective is great, so that you improve your written answers.
When I say model answers – I’m talking directly about the CIMA case study exams.
If you’re new to my World – Hi 👋🏻 – I’m Helen. I’m a CIMA Revision Coach and I’m here to give students structure, support and a strong exam day strategy.
I talk about revision, non-technical exam techniques and confidence!
When you realise that model answers are crap – then this opens you up to making your answer as strong as possible – yourself!
I coach differently and here’s why:
I’m not a tutor by the way – I’m a coach (You can read last week’s blog to find out what the difference is)
💪🏻 I want to coach you to know how YOU can write a strong script 💪🏻
🧠 And believe in your SCRIPT so that you feel empowered with your answer 🧠
My style of coaching focuses on teaching you the exam techniques and strategy – combined with your specific pre-seen – which gives you a simple structure to think, write and analyse on your exam day.
You don’t have to read a model answer to be able to do that!
I will always encourage you to learn and revise in ways that suit you and your skills.
The majority of my students are re-sitters and that takes a different kind of revision approach.
Not an approach that you need to copy from a model answer!
The bonus of being a re-sitter is that you’ve done loads of hard work revising already – you just need a few tweaks.
Feel free to read my other revision blogs to find out what the right re-sitter approach is for your MCS or SCS exam.
I haven’t always thought model answers are crap by the way …
But something opened my eyes!
A few years ago, I was working with a tuition provider about writing some mock SCS questions and answers.
I really love coaching on the case study exams (especially MCS and SCS) so I investigated being a writer for them.
{Caveat: Nothing wrong with this tuition provider by the way, I’m sure they’re all the same}
The conversations were going well and I was planning my questions.
I was actually getting quite excited thinking about how many students would see my SCS style!
But then … I asked “How long do I get to write an answer?”
And the response shocked me … actually it really pissed me off!
The answer was “Give it a go for a couple of weeks and we can review it”
Erm ….. literally my response was – 2 weeks?!
My SCS students only get 60 minutes to read and answer the question (45 minutes if you’re a MCS student)
Why would you give me 2 weeks?!
That’s not fair!
I was literally shocked and politely declined the paid work!
Do you think I was over reacting?!
I couldn’t get my head around this and thought it was so unfair!
I pride myself on coaching my SCS students on structuring a great answer in 59 minutes, and believing they can produce a great answer in 59 minutes!
Listen, I know when you do the traditional tuition questions you get a model answer.
And you think that’s the answer “I need to learn and copy and re-create – for me to be able to pass!”
BUT: That model answer probably took the tutor a week to write, perfect, re-read, make perfect!
You can’t learn from it!
No offence guys, but learning from a case study model answer is not realistic – or helpful – or confidence boosting!
This experience has massively impacted how I coach my MCS and SCS students.
And yes, I steer them away from model answers!
There is a much better way to practice how to create a stronger case study answer – yourself!
{Keep reading to find out!}
Let me spell out my opinions about model answers which I want to help reframe your reliance on them:
🙃 The tutor had weeks to write the answer!
🙃 They would never been able to re-create their own answer within 59 minutes!
🙃 It’s so subjective – it is only the tutor’s opinion (at that point of time!)
If you try and copy or learn from a model answer – you are learning a rubbish exam technique!
Yes – I am passionate about this one (I did warn you!)
Strategic Case Study Specifically:
With the SCS exam specifically – it’s about demonstrating your strategic understanding.
There are 4 very important words there:
The only way YOU will get mark on your SCS script on YOUR exam day is when YOU make YOUR script YOUR own!
See where I’m going with this (and the shouting capitals!)
Yes, I know you think the model answers give you the perfectly – right – amazing answer and technical answer.
But it’s not the only answer!
Imagine this …
You read your answer back and see how you have demonstrated your strategic understanding.
👉🏻 See the relevant points you have made
👉🏻 See how you could add a few more relevant points
👉🏻 Critique your answer (as a stand alone answer) and highlight any gaps of relevance or knowledge or strategic understanding.
Caveat: When I say critique I mean this in the softest kindness way!
Of course your answer isn’t going to be perfect!
Firstly, you had 59 minutes to read and answer the question!
Secondly you are just practising! It doesn’t need to be perfect, if anything, this is the time and opportunity for you to make mistakes and then read it back and identify where you could make it better!
Thirdly, it’s immediately a better answer than the model answer – because it’s from your brain and you are showing your strategic understanding – as a current CIMA student.
I don’t want you relying on model answers anymore.
Hopefully I’ve opened up your eyes (and brain) to help you see that YOUR answer is the only thing to focus and learn from.
How do you do that?!
You learn the non-technical exam techniques on how to write SCS scripts (sentences and paragraphs) to write about your understanding of the question in relation to your pre-seen case.
If you are sitting your SCS in the next sitting (May 24) then come and join my free Masterclass: How to pass your SCS with 100 marks (without cramming or crying)
I promise I will teach you the strategy YOU can use to learn how YOU can pass YOUR case study and build a great SCS script full of relevant points (with loads of pre-seen links!)
With no model answers in sight!
Actually I will be honest – Inside my SCS Mountain Climb revision course – I have written 25 practice questions and 5 full mocks for my students to use!
That’s 4 weeks full of pre-seen specific practice questions.
With no model answers!
Whoa there I know you’re thinking: “Yeah, but how will I know if I’ve got the right answers?!”
Firstly, I teach you how to read your script back to (kindly) highlight your gaps.
Secondly, I teach you a framework to follow to write your script (so you will learn this and just practice it)
And if you have the VIP upgrade – I will review your answer and give you some coaching feedback (based on my SCS strategy and framework)
It’s about YOU!
You trusting yourself
And YOU knowing what exam strategy and exam techniques you want to practice (in your revision phase) and highlight (on your exam day)
I would put a £1000 bet on with the tutors – to say that they could not replicate their answer if they had 59 minutes!
So – take this blog as your sign to learn how YOU can create your own great (not perfect) model answer!
Use the practice questions – absolutely – please do these! A LOT!
But throw the model answers in the bin and smartly spend your review and refresh time!
If you’re coming to the masterclass – I look forward to coaching you!
Here’s the link if you need it!
And if you want to use my pre-seen specific SCS Practice questions
That’s 25 practice questions AND 5 full mocks!
Here’s the link you need for those!
Thanks for reading – and as always I hope my blogs help inspire, motivate and improve your CIMA revision journey! 🤓❤️