What’s the difference between a tutor and a coach? I hear you say!
No it’s not the start of a hilarious joke!
Knock knock…. 😜
I’m a coach (just in case that wasn’t clear… I’m not a tutor!)
By the look of some of my DM’s… you guys still think I’m a tutor.
Sorry to disappoint you, no I can’t give you a cheat sheet for F2 … and no I can’t teach you the difference between ARR and IRR
Well, I could, I am qualified… but I won’t!
I can coach you though!
Coach: Someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a skills (Ref: Cambridge dictionary)
👉🏻 Your skill is your CIMA exam
👉🏻 My skill is coaching you to pass your CIMA exams!
What’s the difference between a tutor and a coach!?
When I get on a call with a student to discuss my coaching options, I easily explain the difference between what I do and what tutors do.
But with 21875 Linkedin followers – I can’t talk to you all individually!
I’m talking to you in my blog, so that you can see what I do, hear about the differences and decide if you would like some coaching in your revision life!
Now I know that you’re not googling “What’s the difference between Helen and a tutor?!”
But I have a feeling that you’ve read a few of my posts, hopefully one of my new weekly blogs and followed me for a reason.
We want you to get CIMA qualified!
But you might not understand what I can do for you!
Well don’t you worry anymore, I’m gonna tell ya! 😜🤓
Firstly, this is not me saying you don’t need a tutor – cos you do!
A tutor teaches you the syllabus – and you won’t pass your CIMA exams without the right knowledge base.
If you are a re-sitter then you need a coach more than you need a tutor!
Hands up🙋🏻♀️ That’s where I pop up and say “A tutor teaches you the syllabus but I teach you how to actually pass the exam!”
I’m CIMA qualified – so yes I could teach you the technicals but that’s not my area of expertise anymore (I qualified 11 years ago)
I’m going to teach you what I call the non-technical exam techniques!
Aka – the way to structure your revision practice and create an exam day strategy that focuses you on actually passing the exam!
For example:
👉🏻 Time Management: How to stick to time in the exam (cos we know it goes so quickly!)
🤓 Reading the question: The one that is on the screen, not the one you wish was there!
👉🏻 Feeling confident: Do not underestimate the power of this one!
{Plus loads more, but these are 3 key ones}
Like I said, we need the tutors – but only at the start of our exam – they teach you the knowledge base and yes that’s vital for these CIMA exams.
But if you are sitting your objective test RE-SIT then you know the technical (or have access to the learning material the tutors just gave you)
So enter Helen and her coaching cap 🦸🏻♀️ to use those learning materials (and practice questions) so that I can coach you through your revision phase!
If you are sitting your Case Study then it’s a different story completely!
You have just sat your technical objective tests – so you know the knowledge base.
{Even if you’re on the FLP route, you’ve learnt everything you need to know}
So enter Helen and her coaching cap – 📢 with a megaphone this time 📢– cos I’m here shouting that you don’t need a tutor for your case study exams!
As your coach I will coach you (with the learning materials you used for your objective tests) and give you alllll of the techniques and exam day strategy to pass your case study (with 100 marks!)
Yes I’m that confident!
The case study exams are about demonstrating your understanding, analysing the business and getting into the Finance role {depending on MCS or SCS level}
The tutors lean towards the technical elements when they teach the case study – of course they do – but that won’t get you 100 marks!
For SCS – That won’t even give you an exam pass – fact!
Honestly, I know how different the case study exams are and there is a unique way I coach my students through this … and it’s not about teaching/reminding you on the technical knowledge base.
If you’re sitting your E3 – F3 or P3 for the first time I would say use a tutor (and then if you’re re-sitting – come to me for some coaching)
🤓 But if you’re sitting your MCS or SCS first time – then come straight to me and let me coach you! 🤓
You will love the enthusiasm, revision fun and focused strategy I can bring you for your case study phase!
It’s about you having a strong, structured, exam day strategy!
Think about it this way – how do you want to feel on exam day?
💪🏻 I want you to feel smart, prepared and self confident. 💪🏻
Walking into your exam believing you can pass (not hoping or wishing! … and not worrying about alll of the frameworks, models, calcs that you think you need to regurgitate)
💪🏻Having a strategy that works, cos you’ve practiced it and it’s aligned to you and your brain. 💪🏻
And using non-technical exam techniques to make sure you understand the question and you can answer it!
The tutors are great – we need them – but they don’t teach you these things!
I went to many BPP classroom sessions (and I self studied some of my exams too) – I was lost in a class of 30 students all staring at the whiteboard and listening to the tutor talk at them!
When I decided to mentor and coach CIMA students I wanted to make sure they had a different, better experience.
It’s all about YOU!
That’s why I coach!
I coach to support YOU through YOUR journey (which is not a cookie cutter approach)
I coach because it’s fun!
Plus I get to motivate – inspire – and boost your confidence!
If you’ve ever come to a masterclass or watched me on video you can see I’m enthusiastic (and maybe a little too keen!)
But I really want you to qualify!
I want you to finish what you’ve started and get your CIMA Plaque up on the wall. So I focus & coach you to pass your exams – to exactly do that!
Yeah, but what do you do Helen!?
Well firstly I only coach CIMA students – because that was me! I’m a CIMA qualified Accountant so when I say I know how you’re feeling – I actually do!
Twelve years ago I was struggling to finish my CIMA – after 5 years I couldn’t believe I was failing and not where I wanted to be in my career!
I don’t want that for you – so I’m only here to coach you.
Yeah, I could be a confidence or life coach – but I’ve chosen to be a revision coach.
I feel passionate about Accounting and I’m a proud CIMA member – I want that for you too.
Secondly like I said I give you the non-technical exam techniques for your exam (especially if it’s a re-sit)
💪🏻 Structure – Revision focused structured (daily) tasks so that you can revise in smart ways
🤓 Strategy – Both a revision and an exam day strategy – using a plan – to focus you on your end result – aka an exam pass!
💪🏻 Support – Actual support and accountability so that you’re not revising alone, you feel motivated to get your revision done and I boost your confidence every step of the way!
Here are the ways I can coach you!
🏔️ Strategic Case Study! 🏔️
I can coach you to pass your Strategic Case Study because you don’t need to know all the technical frameworks to pass – you need to know how to demonstrate your Strategic understanding – now that I can and will teach you!
Inside my SCS Revision World – you can come to my next Masterclass: How to pass your SCS with 100 marks (without cramming or crying) > link <
Or grab your seat on my SCS Mountain Climb Course (cos the SCS is a tough mountain climb and I want to lead you up it properly!) > link <
🤓 Management Case Study 🤓
I want to coach you to pass your Management Case Study too because it’s my 2nd favourite exam (Yes I really am obsessed with the case studies!)
I’ve been a Finance Manager for 10 years of my career and to pass this exam you need to know how to get into Finance Manager mode!
You can get into Finance Manager mode with me on my MCS coaching course. Borrow my energy, learn my techniques and get the MCS Strategy that shows off your Management thinking! > link <
🏃🏻♀️Strategic Objective Tests (E3 – F3 – P3) 🏃🏻♀️
If you’re resitting your E3 – F3 or P3 you would benefit from my coaching because you know the technicals, but you don’t know how to pass.
As a resitter I coach and focus you on the non-technicals on purpose because they make a huge difference to your revision practice and exam day confidence.
I failed loads of my exams, I know exactly how it feels to be a re-sitter, I had to pick myself up alone and learn myself how to actually pass – you don’t need to struggle alone or fail your next re-sit again…and again.
Grab some 1:1 coaching so you can have some bespoke support in order to actually pass your re-sit! > link <
And I really want you to sit your case study with me – so you need to pass your Objective tests in order to do this! 😜🤓
🎓Submit your PER! 🎓
And I’m on a Mission in 2024 to get 24 CIMA Students fully qualified, this means getting your PER submitted so no way am I letting you be exam qualified but leave out your PER!
You deserve the letters after your name and your plaque up on the wall, which means get your PER written, submitted and approved.
I’m working on a on-demand course so that you can get your PER done within 2 weeks (yes really!) but before that’s launched we can have some 1:1 coaching together to write it. > link for PER coaching <
That’s the difference between a tutor and a coach.
Yes I love the tutors … but I know loads of you need and will benefit from a coach!
🤓😜 A CIMA Revision Coach! 🤓😜
I have coaching opportunities available to you now – so don’t miss them.
Instead of thinking “Oh, I’ll try one more time to pass myself … and then I’ll get in touch with Helen!”
ERM – NO – Not because I’m arrogant – it’s because I don’t want you to FAIL
You deserve to PASS … and pass with confidence!
Learn the smart way to PASS and grab some Helen coaching!
Any questions of course, leave a comment or email me…. But don’t struggle alone!
Plus if you’re reading to the end of this blog – I really appreciate you and I’m here to support you.
Let’s get YOUR plaque up on YOUR wall – together! 🤓❤️