Preparing for your SCS exam the smart way is what I want to focus on this week!
Do you find yourself procrastinating when you know there is something upcoming that you want to do but don’t know where to start?!
You might be telling yourself “Oh I have load of time” or “I’ll start tomorrow”
A common problem my Case study audience have is they don’t know where to start.
Because the CIMA objective tests and the case studies are completely different exams, you have to revise differently.
When you’re ready to sit your case study, you would have just completed up to 3 multiple choice objective tests and now you’re about to be tested in a completely different way – a 3 hour written exam!
So where do you start?!
How do you prepare for your case study?!
What do you have to do first?!
I know this problem will keep you stuck, which in turn will lead to cramming closer to exam in panic mode (cos you haven’t started ‘early enough’)
In today’s blog I’m going to talk about preparing for your SCS exam
If you want my preparation checklist for SCS – Grab your free copy here!
Is there a right way to prepare for your SCS?
Kindof yes but kindof no.
As long as you start!
I’m not the kind of person who is going to tell you to wing it and don’t worry about it!
That’s because doing any kind of revision doesn’t work and because specific is my middle name!
And I’m not a tutor so I’m not going to ask to you re-read your study texts (cos that’s not the way to a SCS pass result by the way! More on this later)
My style of coaching is with structure.
Giving simple structured techniques aligned within an exam day strategy.
If you wanna see what my coaching is like – have a peak here!
So, if you are preparing for your SCS exam let’s talk about the specific preparation I’d like you to implement.
Implement is a great word for you to take action!
What’s the point!?
Starting with the point of the Strategic Case Study exam.
I like to start with preparing my students for the end result.
Of course, your end result is getting 80marks (or 100 marks if you’re one of my students, that’s what we focus on!)
📝 But the part just before that is writing your script. 📝
That’s the part I want you to focus your preparation on.
Writing a script that will get you 100 marks!
Because the end result is: YOU writing a script that demonstrates your strategic understanding.
Easier said than done – but that’s the point Mr CIMA wants you to show!
So I want you to prepare smartly to enable you to be able (in a few weeks) to be able to write and demonstrate that!
No of course you’re not ready to do that yet!
{Cos you haven’t join my SCS Mountain Climb course 😉 – where I teach you HOW}
But also you’re not ready because we are getting prepared!
💪🏻 I call it the warm up phase! 💪🏻
Yes – I use the mountain climb analogy a lot when I coach Strategic Case Study.
🏔️The mountain climb is real – and this exam is tough! 🏔️
I want you to be able to climb the mountain, get to the top, not be exhausted but feel strong and happy (aka revise strongly, sit your exam and write excellent paragraphs with a smile and a pass mark!)
So let’s not rush off onto the mountain path with no map, flip-flops and a half filled water bottle!
Preparation is a warm up and stretch.
When you prepare for your case study exam I want you to focus on what you need to think about in order to actually climb that mountain in front of you!
Grab my preparation checklist if you are a SCS student – I’ve put together exactly what you need to prepare with here!
Especially if you are a re-sitter!
Actually – definitely if you are a re-sitter!
Because the last time you tried to climb your SCS Mountain you didn’t make it to the top and I don’t want that to happen again!
💪🏻 Be smart!
💪🏻 Set yourself up for SCS success!
💪🏻 Let me guide you UP the right SCS route and give you the right tools in your rucksack
{I did warn you, I love the mountain climb analogy!}
So: What do you have to do if you’re a re-sitter preparing for your SCS
I’m going to be real with you and say I want you to get some support.
I don’t want you to fail again and you don’t have to do this journey alone.
I struggled through my CIMA alone and it was much tougher than it needed to be! I had no idea how to revise and I walked up many imaginary CIMA mountains in the dark with no torch!
But I passed my SCS first time and it’s because I know exactly what route you need to follow, how to climb this mountain and I’m ridiculously motivated cos it’s our last exam (ever!)
Please get some support 👉🏻
You can download my free SCS Preparation checklist 👉🏻 here
Or you can join my next free SCS Masterclass (for free) – 👉🏻 here
You can become a SCS Mountaineer and learn exactly HOW to pass your SCS with 100 marks – 👉🏻 here
The support is here for you, please don’t try and climb this mountain alone.
I’ve coached hundreds of students over the past 6 years (you are welcome to see their success stores here) and I want you to feel how they have .. and get your CIMA plaque UP on the wall!
In summary to today’s blog preparing for your SCS exam is about warming up the smart way, focusing on what end result you need to get and remembering there is support out there for you.
Of course you can do it on your own – I believe in you!
But imagine having a SCS Leader climbing with you, supporting you every step of the way and keeping you motivated on the evenings when you just wanna give up and can’t see the top of the mountain.
I’m here every day on Linkedin and every week with a new blog so that YOU qualify in 2024!
So that you climb UP to the top of the SCS Mountain and fly that PASS flag!
Good Luck with your preparation – start now, start with your warm up and you will be able to have a stronger climb!