Your Number 1 revision tool
Yes If you’ve seen me on Linkedin you know the answer…
But I’m gonna repeat it again for you.
Your number 1 revision tool is …. Drumroll….
📝 A revision Plan! 📝
An actual plan to how you are going to revise!
Putting together a structure to help yourself get that exam pass (that you’re working so hard for)
What are you doing if you’re not using a Revision plan?!
I know that students who have a revision plan feel calmer, which means they can revise more…not only revise with more revision slots – but within each revision slot they take in more knowledge.
Not only that – their revision slots are stronger with better recall and understanding.
Are you reading that thinking “Oh I wish that would happen to me!”
Well… it will when you use a revision plan!
{Trust me, I’m not being bossy … I have been coaching CIMA students for 11 years – and I was one – I know a thing or two about feeling smart during your revision!}
You need a revision plan to have structure.
👉🏻 Which in turns focuses you each day to actually revise.
👉🏻 Which in turn improves your focus so that you can revise more.
I see and hear students procrastinating and not feeling motivated every week on Linkedin and it’s because they don’t have a revision plan!
How many times can I say revision plan in this blog?! 🤣
I could spend an hour writing about all the amazing reasons why you need a revision plan.
But I want to give you a different perspective today.
I talk all the time about having a revision plan.
But let’s focus instead of Why not having a revision plan is sabotaging your exam success.
Reason number 1: You are less motivated
Admit it – Having a blank piece of paper is the least motivating thing ever!
If you have no dreams or adventures to go on, then maybe you don’t need to plan
But … erm … you’re completing your CIMA – that’s your dream and I know it!
You started this qualification for a reason, so if you’re less than motivated right now I have a strong feeling it’s cos you’re staring at a blank piece of paper (or avoiding even finding paper to write on)
Motivation is important to action!
If you’re not revising then you’re not taking action!
I believe the more motivated you are, the more likely you will complete the task – with quality!
No way do you need to pretend you’re revision and ticking a box – oh look at me I just spent 2 hours reading 1 chapter of the book (but I can’t remember any of it!)
If you have a revision plan you could plan smarter revision slots so that you plan around when you feel motivated (for example first thing before work)
When you have a revision plan you will be more motivated! I can guarantee this!
Reason number 2: You’re spending too long on the wrong revision tasks
Re-reading the study text is what 90% of my new students say that want to do!
They think they need to start their revision phase by dusting off the study texts and going into reading mode!
{I call this the comfort blanket!}
When students revise alone, I see them going around in circles with their revision – reading – regurgitating – reading – panicking – crying {Oh so many tears} – writing pretty revision notes {Oh that was me!}
I get it – no-one really teaches you what are the smartest revision tasks.
The tutors tell you what you need to learn and revise … but breaking that down into a plan with tasks to make that happen is not taught!
Hello 👋🏻 – I do – but you haven’t experienced the joys of my smart coaching yet!
{Keep reading if you want to make that a reality!}
I label revision tasks by their smartness, because we can all get lost in the busy fool/busy mode rabbit hole.
Just because you are revising for 2 hours every night – doesn’t mean you are revising smartly.
Yes – that’s where a plan can help you! You plan what you’re doing – which magically makes it smarter.
Secondly the plan will give you focus for exam day – for what you actually really need to practice!
Don’t be a fool and revise the wrong tasks!
Reason number 3: The winging it approach!
Hello – news alert – these are CIMA exams!
Your winging it approach isn’t welcome here … and it won’t work!
I coach Strategic level CIMA students (E3 – F3- P3 & SCS) – the syllabuses are huge! The focus is on analysis and understanding.
You can’t wing your revision with Strategic level!
You need to understand the topic, have a depth of understanding and pick the right answer from different scenarios.
I get so frustrated when I see students winging it!
Not just because I can’t do it that way – even if I wanted to
But honestly – it’s because it doesn’t work.
🙃 Why would you even want to wing it and take the risk (I have no idea) 🙃
I know it’s hard and tougher than you thought it would be
And I know you want your life back so that you’re not chained to your study desk revising.
But winging it with your revision will trip you up on exam day and I don’t want you to do that!
Have I convinced you that a Revision plan is the only option to revise with?!
But Helen … Is the solution to “just write a revision plan?!”
Yeah – kindof!
If you’ve never written a revision plan before I would recommend writing a 3 day plan.
But a 7 day plan is the way to go from my experience.
Plan what you are going to do!
Now I’ve explained how important a revision plan is, if you want to have a 10/10 gold star – structured simple specific plan that works around you specifically.
Jump on a power hour with me so I can write yours for you! > click here <
I will get on the right revision track and I promise you’ll feel instantly relieved.
The reason students get coaching and come to my Inner Revision World is because they want a structured, proven (tried & tested) plan – that works!
I’ve coached hundreds of re-sitters – with an 81% pass rate – Trust me – I know what plan you need for revision success.
A lot of my past students are busy parents with a good job, children under 10 and desperately want to finish their CIMA qualification to get on with their life and focus on amazing family time (with a promotion and pay rise they deserve)
If you are nodding – thinking – Yes Helen – that is me!
Then let’s have a power hour together – and then you will have your amazing bespoke Revision Plan!
I want to give you your life back and get your CIMA qualified!
Okay … Yes I admit, I have written ‘Revision Plan’ 32 times!
📝 Because I know it will make a huge transformation to your revision success! 💪🏻
Thanks for reading – have a great week! 🤓❤️
P.S – Check out my other revision blogs here!