Revision coaching: how to revise your way
I wrote a post last week about courses I’ve bought in the past and how frustrated I’ve gotten when they don’t teach me HOW.
The post has gone around and around in my brain quite a lot so I knew it was a topic I had to write a blog about!
Yes, I’m back writing blogs (and Linkedin articles too!)
Oh and I’m actually back doing my weekly Linkedin Lives on Thursday’s at 12:15
But I digress! …
Welcome to 2024 and this is the year YOU learn HOW!
🤓Learn how to revise your way 🤓
I’m back in Revision Coaching mode and I am on a mission to get YOU qualified in 2024!
So there will be a lot more writing – coaching – listening and hearing about HOW you can PASS!
💪🏻 I hope you’re ready … cos I am in full-on sport coach kind of mode! 🤓
Over the last 6 years I have been building my coaching business – I’ve done nearly everything myself – built my websites, created membership platforms, created daily social media content, created and sold coaching course and resources…. All the entrepreneur things!
You might have seen I launched my brand new Strategic Case Study Course last month (check it out here if you’re sitting your SCS next!)
And I’m in the process of creating 3 new Strategic CIMA Courses – for E3 – F3 and P3 (Signup to the waitlist if this is your next exam)
I’ve been looking back at a few of the courses I’ve brought to try and create & market amazing things for my audience … and I was getting frustrated!
I kept being reminded that they didn’t quite solve my problem:
“AArrgghh – I wish you’d tell me HOW!”
That was my over-riding frustration! I like the words of the course … but HOW do I actually do it!
Since running my coaching business, I have brought many courses to help me get to where I want to be faster and with less stress. I absolutely do not mind investing in myself (it brings great energy and focus to what I’m doing)
But I’ve got so frustrated with some of them!
Because they haven’t told me how!
How to actually do the thing (be it grow an audience, show off my courses, edit a YouTube video…)
So I’ve listened to the course … but then had to go away and find out for myself – which I could have just done in the first place!
Have you experienced this as well?!
Learning how to run a business is tough – you don’t get taught this at school!
It reminds me that when I was sitting my CIMA exams – I didn’t know HOW to revise – so I kept going round in circles and I did everything myself!
🤓 Literally the reason why I’m a Revision Coach now and only focus on the revision phase! 🤓
It makes me frustrated even thinking about it… cos I love to learn, I really do, I just wish it was quicker and I got better results!
My BPP tutors taught me the syllabus (and of course that’s vital!) but when it came to revision – they didn’t teach me HOW to actually put that knowledge in a way I could answer the exam question.
I had to figure that out alone and I found that so hard!
And they made it sound so easy: “Oh you just do this, this and this and boom there is the magic answer?!” … literally if you could see my face as they said that you would see a mixture of rabbit in headlights, jaw wide open – completely confused.
And (bit embarrassing to say) tears in my eyes and me trying to hold back the tears… because I really ‘should’ know: I’m in a BPP classroom!
Because of these experiences – I am more determined than ever to provide coaching solutions and direct support to teach & coach you HOW.
👉🏻 How to actually pass that exam
👉🏻 How to write a strong revision plan .. and stick to it! (not just stare at the wall and hope you do the task tomorrow!)
👉🏻 HOW to actually prepare for exam day success – not just the basic’s – I go full on details!! (Some might even say I give too much support and guidance)
But that’s me – I spell it out – I break down the elements and I really focus on teaching the HOW!
I make time to teach the HOW and provide enthusiastic coaching support on top (because I know I needed this when I was studying)
💪🏻 Yes I always boost my students confidence and YES I am very enthusiastic! 😁
But that’s kind of a bonus on top (and just my personality)
I can’t have my students join my Inner Revision World and not learn exactly HOW to do that thing.
One of the ways I love to coach and help you guys understand more about my style and me as a coach is to host free masterclasses (you might have been to one in the past)
The masterclasses are free (my entrepreneur friends can’t believe I don’t charge for them) and they are full of value. But I always focus on implementable revision tactics – and give the HOW.
For example, last month I hosted: How to pass your SCS with 100 marks.
I didn’t just talk for 40 minutes, I taught my audience and coached them HOW.
That’s just my free masterclasses – my paid courses and coaching are where my students come inside my 🌍 Inner Revision World 🌍 and experience their HOW.
What strategy and tactics they need, to figure out HOW they answer the exam questions!
I have a mission this year: 24in24 – Where I will directly support 24 CIMA students to qualify in 2024.
👉🏻 You are my priority.
😇 You are what I’m showing up every day for.
👉🏻 So that YOU learn how to revise in your way!
If YOU don’t get what you need or solutions to what you’re struggling with … then I’ve failed my mission
And trust me – I’m like a dog with a bone – I take my goals very seriously (I’m super competitive but I’ll leave that story for another blog!)
I HAVE to achieve my mission: so that atleast 24 of you QUALIFIY in 2024!
My new masterclasses, courses and my daily social media content is for YOU.
I pride myself on the specific structure of my coaching. To give YOU Revision support, techniques and specific strategies.
Because of the courses I’ve bought over the years – I find myself screaming at the screen – begging for someone to just tell me how! Please!
Like: “that’s a great suggestion – but HOW do I do it?!”
Or: “Wow, yes I want to do that! But HOW would that work for my audience!?”
I absolutely do not want you to have this problem – I design my courses so that you clearly know HOW … and if the video isn’t clear – then I encourage you to ask me – that’s what I’m here for. To give you specific understanding and a lot of support!
So many of my students say they go to the live classes with their tuition provider and there is no option to ask a question or if there is a chat box, they are too nervous to ask.
I don’t experience that at all!
My students ask me loads of questions! We discuss, we brainstorm, and I answer so many questions with a direct answer!
I would love you to come on this 2024 journey with me!
Absolutely please leave a comment and let me know anything you’re struggling with and want some help on (or send me a DM or email if that’s easer for you)
I’m here so that YOU get the revision support that YOU need.
To learn HOW to revise in your way!
So that YOU qualify and hang your CIMA plaque up on the wall with pride – you deserve it!
Hope you enjoyed the blog ❤️🤓