On last week’s blog I wrote about 3 of my amazing students (who’s name’s all begin with an L!😜😇)
And this week I wanted to share some things about me!
Get to know me: Loves & dislikes!
I love blogs like this (is it nosey – nah!!)
and as well as me getting to know you, this is your opportunity to get to know more about me!
Feel free to comment if you ❤️ love and 😬 hate the things I do!
I’m going to share 3 of my loves and 3 of the things I dislike (I rarely use the word hate – just not my vibe!)
The feeling of loving something is very special to me!
I’ve recently been introduced to the human design (I ridiculously love focusing on personal development and bettering myself) and I came out as a specific (I’ll talk more about specifically in another blog – haha isn’t that ironic!)
But I am a really specific person – and I love it!
So in today’s blog I’ve picked 3 specific loves!
Firstly ❤️ Travel 🌍
Oh gosh… I could literally talk about travel for days and days!
Travel lights up my soul!
My first big holiday was when I was 12, my parents took me and my sister to Orlando for 3 weeks – DisneyLand, America vibes and my 1st cruise, such a special holiday!
Since then (gosh that’s 30 years!) I have travelled a lot!
The furthest West I’ve been is LA and the furthest East is Cappadocia (in Turkey)
When I was 21, after I graduated from Uni, I went on a Trek America tour for 2 months across America – we started at Washington (my random group in a minibus) and camped every night for 2 months as we travelled West across every Northern state until we reached Los Angeles (I think we saw 52 places in total)
I remember that trip like it was yesterday!
🌍Should I find a photo??! 😇
Since my divorce, 12 years ago I have travelled alone – a lot! No way was I letting the fact I was single stop me seeing the world!
My CIMA stopped me for a while because I had to use all of my annual leave for extra study and revision days (but it was worth it in the long run!)
I can afford to travel more now because of the pay rises and senior Finance roles I’ve been able to get! 🤓
In between my 39th and 40th birthday I decided to have some adventures! So I travelled to 40 brand new places in the World (brand new to me… and that was tough cos I’d been to so many already!)
Can you guess where I am?!
I went to 22 in England ~ including walking up the O2 and seeing Greenwich Observatory, going to St Davids in Wales (the smallest City in the UK) and Lowestoft in Suffolk (the most easterly place in England)
As well as some foreign adventures – Iceland, Marrakesh, Sweden, Copenhagen (loved it!) and ended up in Porto on my 40th birthday!
❤️Can you tell I love travel! 🌍
My second love though is walking
Maybe that’s why I travel so much, because walking around places really helps me soak up the experience and seeing what’s out there in the world!
I’ve walked up Mount Snowdon (ouch – my boots broke and it took my 8 hours – but I did it!)
For the past 5 months I have been on a personal mission to walk 10k steps a day.
The inspiration came from this photo:
Last year was a very challenging year for me personally, and I needed to get back to my usual determined 12/10 confidence self.
So when I saw this photo, I knew I needed to get out of my house, get off my bum and stop feeling so low… and walking was the perfect solution for me and my body.
The creativity I have when I walk is beautiful!
I always take a notebook and pen… and I must look like a weirdo cos when I have an idea – I jot it down (as I’m walking!)
One of the main reasons why after 150ish days I am still walking 6k steps a day! Is because of my pedometer.
I track my steps and write them in my diary!
I plan where I’m waling to maximise the time and number of steps!
That leads me perfectly on to my third love: Numbers!
Yes, Hi, my name is Helen and I am obsessed with numbers!
I walk to do 10k steps (that’s my first aim – the creativity is an added bonus)
I travelled to 40 brand new places for my 40th birthday because it was a challenge
I am an Accountant because my brain is wired to numbers!
Okay… stop smirking at me know, if you’re an accountant – you know what I mean!
How numbers can motivate you to stay focused.
The way numbers spark my brain and help me understand, remember and explain.
I don’t know how to recall the business valuation methods but I know my family’s phone numbers without looking!
I hope you are enjoying getting to know me … I really love to write and share my adventures and my blog is such a lovely creative outlet for me to do this in (as well as support you with some revision coaching!)
Let’s get on to the bit you’re most intrigued with!
Things I dislike.
I say dislike, because ‘hate’ is just a bit dramatic and negative!
There are obviously lots of things people dislike in life and the world we live in … but I’ve highlighted these 3 (because we all now know I’m obsessed with numbers so I had to pick 3 – and I’m a libra – so I had to have a balance!)
I haven’t picked 3 that I kind of don’t like .. I’ve gone full on passion here!
These 3 are passion dislikes of mine – actually gross me out – get me on my soap box kind of bleurgh!!
Firstly – and maybe controversially:
OH GOSH … I really, really, really, dislike tuna (especially from a tin!)
I love food – I’m defo a foodie – but no way will I ever eat tuna! 🤢
Not even if I was on a desert island #castaway vibes (which happens to be one of my fav films ever!)
I even love sushi .. but no way will I ever buy sushi with tuna – or if I had to, I’d pick the tuna out!
Please be on the same page as me…. No to tuna! Blurgh!
{Same goes for avocados as well… absolutely not my thing!}
Enough about food though – this is making me hungry!
Secondly… and I know some of you feel me with this one … I dislike:
👎🏻No to cramming! 👎🏻
👎🏻👎🏻 I have no time for it! 👎🏻👎🏻
It stresses you out! … which stresses me out
Tough love Helen coaching vibes coming out now!
I hang out on Linkedin every day… and give you revision advice, support and motivation.
🤓 I see you guys 🤓
I’m in my DM’s listening to you
👀 I watch how you revise 👀
I have had enough of students cramming! And I don’t like it.
Please can you stop!
One of the key structures of my revision and revision courses are a 4 to 6 week revision phase.
I do not coach students if they have less than 4 weeks to their exam.
Yes I offer power hours for students with 2 weeks to go – but that is so they really try to avoid the last minute cramming faff! {If you ever want a power hour: use this link}
But for all of my other Courses – E3_P3_F3 or SCS or my 1:1 coaching – you can only work with me if you have a smart revision phase – which means NO CRAMMING!
If you are currently using cramming as a revision technique please can you stop – write a revision plan – and focus on repeat practice to recall the knowledge. Take this blog as your sign to stop cramming!
📧 Sign up (here) for my weekly revision emails to find out what to do instead 📧
Thirdly and my no means lastly… I dislike mumbling!
Erm… what did you say??!
For godness sake… please you need to stop mumbling and speak clearly!!
I think this is a pet hate of mine because of my specific personality!! Attention to detail is my thing!
I need to know what you mean exactly!!! So if you’re talking to me and I can’t understand the words – I’m unable to not just hear you but process what you’re saying!!
(How many exclamation marks can I write within 100 words!!)
Asking someone to repeat what they’ve just said I find embarrassing – but if you mumble I have to ask – which embarrasses you and me!
It’s a loose – loose situation!
And for a competitive female I can’t stand not winning or understanding what to do! {But I’m absolutely writing another blog about being competitive, so watch out for that!}
And breathe… oh that last dislike wound me up a bit! Opps!
I hope you have loved the insight into my crazy Helen personality! {That’s my nickname with my nephews “Crazy pants Auntie Helen!” – I take it as a compliment!}
I love writing for you
And I love coaching you through your CIMA exams!
Have a great day and watch out for next weeks blog!
What do you LOVE and DISLIKE? – leave a comment – I’d love to know and get to know you. ❤️🤓