Let’s rebalance your work study tasks 😎
The biggest struggle I see students make is procrastinating for weeks and then panic mode cramming just before exam day!
And when new students come into my Inner Revision World I hear them say “I don’t know where to start Helen!”
I get it!
No-one warned me how tough CIMA actually was … or how long it would actually take!
But I knew it would be worth it (I kindof always had that in the back of my head, that’s why I kept going)
One of my biggest shocks was the balance I needed between study and work…. Oh yeah and a social life!
I started my CIMA when I was 24 and was working as an Assistant Accountant in a building distribution company. I absolutely loved that job and worked my way up the finance ladder during my 3 years.
I took on more work, went from junior to senior, lead projects, grew in finance confidence and became known as ‘the price support lady’
There were 6 Assistant Accountants like me, and we were all doing our CIMA qualification. Whilst we all sat exams we balanced monthly management accounts, budgeting and a July year end (luckily that fitted within the May and November sittings!)
My months were planned & co-ordinated around BPP lessons, revision days and month end close. Both became the lead focuses in my life!
And wow that needed balance!
Which I got wrong on many occasions by the way!
We all have our own things to balance and manage so we don’t feel like we are spinning a hundred plates or juggling everything.
Because let’s be real – you’ll drop some of them and it will make a mess (emotional messes probably!)
So, in today’s blog I want to help your balance.
Let’s rebalance your work study tasks!
Take what you need from my coaching words to either spin less plates (yes, put some down!) or feel better about if any of them drop (but I would still recommend letting go of some plates)
Why: because you started your CIMA qualification for a reason …. And you want to finish it!
{I know it’s tough, but I also know you do want to keep going and finish!}
And also because the work–study balance is tough!
You’re only human, you won’t get it right all of the time, but hopefully my revision help and support will make it simple, structured and a whole lot more balanced!
Tip number 1: A revision Plan!
Of course, it’s always one of my tips … write and stick to a revision plan!
📝 A smart revision plan will help you to balance the tasks in your week. 📝
The problem with having no plan is that you’re firefighting and can’t see or prioritise what you actually need or want to achieve!
To create your smart revision plan, start with 1 piece of paper (or excel document) and your diary!
Plot in your non-negotiables (the tasks which are fixed or you really won’t move)
Then pick 1 time of day where you’ll prioritise your CIMA revision.
I recommend one 45 minute slot per day (and if you have more time you can do two or three 45 minute slots – but ALWAYS with a break in between!)
Fill in the slots with a specific task and put the plan up somewhere you’ll see it.
You need to stick to the task and then you can tick it off (I love ticking off – makes me feel amazing – use this as a boost of motivation and smile!)
Tip number 2: Grab some accountability!
We know what we want to get done most days right – of course your revision plan will help – but let’s be real, you don’t **have** to do it just cos it’s written on a piece of paper!
So what extra accountability do you need to get yourself to actually do the thing!?!
{I’m biased and focusing you on your CIMA qualification – so I want you to ensure you do your revision slot as the thing!}
Of course, family emergencies and being a great parent is very important, but I would like to politely support parents reading this to think about the commitment they can and will give their CIMA slots.
But like I’ve said and I know you know, you started your CIMA for a reason … and we want you to finish it!
So keep accountable to your plan.
That could be telling someone your plan, re-prioritising your life to put your planned tasks first, and getting support from someone to keep you accountable.
Of course, we can have some coaching so that I keep you accountable!
Inside my Inner Revision World 🌍 my students get lots of accountability from me … I make sure they don’t feel alone and keep them focused on the strategy and specific tasks needed each week to at the end of that week they feel stronger, more prepared and confidence!
Do not under estimate the power of confidence in your revision phase!
{Maybe that should be my blog for next week!}
Lets take last week for instance, I’ve got 6 students sitting their SCS exam in a few weeks. I check in with my regular students every week and they have email support available to check in and keep accountable together.
For my VIP students they have my whatsapp, so get an extra level of support and accountability. I sent all of my VIP students a Saturday check-in and a Sunday motivational boost whatsapp.
All of my students have access to a revision plan and sending me that plan so I keep them as accountable as possible!
🤓 It makes a huge difference having me as your coach – especially through your revision phase 🤓
You can have a peak at the Linkedin post I wrote about them too – because a few of them are struggling and in panic mode >> have a read about how I calmed them down and got them back on track.
There is power in accountability!
Tip number 3: Set a mini goal
When work is stressful and the days are ticking down to your exam date … the pressure gets higher and higher.
You’re thinking about allll the things, worrying yourself, going into panic mode (but trying to pretend everything is fine) and feeling guiltier and guiltier than you still haven’t done any CIMA revision!
Am I right?!
Please can we break it down and take one step/week at a time!
When we talk about goals – I know you’re only thinking of passing your exam.
But that’s not the only goal that can motivate you.
Getting started and back on track is one of the biggest challenges for my students
Step one of always write a revision plan, but we’ve covered that!
💪🏻 Then step two is to pick a goal and a reward 💪🏻
I normally recommend a food, drink or exercise reward. 😋🏋🏻🏃🏻♀️
Pick something that will actually motivate you to do the task (or tasks) and when you’re genuinely completed the goal – give yourself the reward!
Please have mini wins during your revision phase, because they make a huge difference to your confidence and action taking ability!
So now it’s time for you to take some action!
👉🏻 Plan your week so that what YOU want to do is prioritised
👉🏻 Write it down and tell someone, to increase the chance of you doing it!
👉🏻 Set a reward for yourself that makes you smile
If you want to get a balance to your revision and have some direct support from me – then let’s make that happen this week!
I will write your revision plan with you, give you specific – smart revision tasks and keep you accountable every week!
Do not underestimate the power of accountability and support – that’s what I’m here for!
I coach Strategic Level CIMA students to pass their resits … with a simple, structured strategy.
>> click here to find what coaching opportunity works for you <<
Thanks for reading this week’s blog – feel free to read all of the blogs here!
I’m here to give you structured revision support so that YOU can PASS your resit … with confidence!
Have a great – balanced – week! Helen x