Planning gives you a smarter response.
In your case, it gives you a smarter exam answer.
If you don’t plan your answer, then you are missing out on marks!
This week’s blog is relevant if you are sitting your CIMA case study or ACCA Students specifically any of your written sections.
This is my coaching on how to plan a perfect case study answer.
Case Study answers
Written answer are about three things – sentences, application and commercial thinking.
Add in the test of answering within 45 or 60 minutes and you’ve got yourself a CIMA case study exam!
Then add in the test of 1.8 minutes per mark then you can call yourself a smart ACCA student!
Why am I giving away my coaching secrets?
If you follow me on Linkedin or Instagram then you’ll know I always share my advice and tips. Yes of course I keep some secret’s for my paid clients, but I help and support everyone {on purpose} because it’s very important to me.
I also get super passionate about revision {and I’m not sorry about that! ?
Because so many people miss out the revision phase and they shouldn’t!
I share my coaching secrets cos that’s what I do – I’m a coach who cares about students passing with confidence – I’ve got your back
But yes.. I am a smart business owner as well – so if you want more than my free advice, I have a selection of coaching opportunities for you.
I host a free and live webinar with my ‘Top 3 CIMA case study secrets’ – Register here for the next one!
And I run a CIMA Case Study Mastermind – where we climb the case study mountain together and I give you all the exam techniques and tactics you need to have a successful case study exam… with confidence!
Click here to read more or secure your place in the next Mastermind!
I don’t want you making the same mistakes as me – hindsight is a wonderful thing – right?! Read here to learn more of my mistakes!
What makes up a perfect case study answer?
Like the header say – what makes up a perfect case study answer?
? Tip Number one – Getting to the point
? Tip number two – Telling me your financial opinion – get off the fence and yes honestly, give your opinion – but your financial opinion because remember this is an Accounting exam.
? Tip number three – Application to the scenario (the unseen mainly but having preseen foundations are a key part of your answer).
What makes up a perfect written answer?
Actually, there is no such thing as ‘perfect’ so I don’t want to reference that word anymore, because as long as you write a sentence that makes a point, then you will get a mark for that.
For any written answers use the tips above ☝️
You won’t magically be able to write strong sentences if you don’t plan or practice. So utilise and focus your revision on written question practice, practice, practice.
Why is planning so important?
Planning forms the foundation for a strong exam answer.
By brainstorming, thinking and then prioritising the techniques with a plan, allows you to write the best relevant points which you can and will want to explain.
Planning gives you the structure to answer the exam questions successfully and within time.
An important exam technique is to brainstorm what you could discuss and then plan what, why and how you are going to discuss your key relevant points.
A well-structured answer is obvious to spot as a marker, and I would bet you £1 that the successful answer was created because they prepared a plan!
What is the aim of a case study plan?
In my opinion when you know the aim of something, you achieve it much more effectively.
I want your case study plan to be successful, so let’s focus on the aim of what you want to get out of the plan and why.
? Aim – to type your answers within 30 mins (or 45 if you’re sitting SCS).
? Aim – Allow yourself to brainstorm and then drilldown and prioritise your points
? Aim – To structure your answer with a relevant template (eg headers and sub headers).
Remember this is the aim of the plan – not the whole answer.
You may have a different aim, which is totally okay, but I would like to encourage you to focus on what you want to achieve from your answer – because it will result in a better plan and answer for sure.
And specifically if you’re an ACCA sitter, yes of course a plan is needed for any written answer (for requirements with more than 5 marks), keep an eye on your aim and what the requirement is asking you specifically.
How can I utilise my time?
That’s a separate blog if I’m honest – so much I could share and write about the timings of the whole answer.
But for the timings of your plan, it would be less than 10 minutes.
?? Remember the aim of the plan
Oh – and I count reading the unseen question within this 10 minutes (yes really)
Of course there is a knack to writing a successful plan within 10 minutes… let me know if you want that timing or blog and I’ll write it for you.
How not to utilise your planning time!
Now that’s a revision technique as well right?!
At the start of reading and your question time it feels like you have ‘ages’ .. but please do not mistake 45 minutes as loads of time to write your plan – nope!
You do not get any marks for a plan {unless you incorporate it directly in your answer} and you only get marks for your points, sentences and calculations.
So please do not spend ages on your plan because typing points and sentences are where the actual marks are!
Oh and tip number 108 … reading the question won’t get you any marks either, so don’t spend ages on this either!
Come and learn more case study secrets
I am a geek when it comes to the CIMA case study exams, and as you can tell from this blog – I have lots of tips and advice that I can share. {And yes ACCA Students, I have specific coaching secrets for you too, especially for your P Papers}
So a few times a year I host a free webinar to support you guys on your CIMA case study journey
Click here to register for the next webinar on ‘My top 3 case study secrets on how to pass!’
Yes it’s free, in money, but it’s full of value and smart case study revision techniques.
Come and see my coaching style live – but I warn you – I’m a revision geek when it comes to the case studies – I love them and I’m very enthusiastic .. hang around with me during your revision phase and you will love revision – it’s infectious!
Join my CIMA mastermind and become a mountaineer
I’m here to give you Revision support, and it would be foolish of me to not talk about my signature CIMA mastermind ?
⛰️ I have designed a mastermind (not a course) for you to climb your case study mountain ⛰️
For 6 weeks I will lead you, with a small group of mountaineers to learn, scale and climb your specific case study mountain (specifically with your preseen materials).
We will have weekly group brainstorming where you can chat and learn from me plus I have created a Revision hut full of all the resources you need (more videos, workbooks and practise questions)
Have a look here to find out more
Like I said at the start of this blog, planning is key to a successful written answer.
Mr CIMA (or Mr ACCA) is testing you on writing a strong answer which has applied the scenario, made some financial common sense and links the theory and business together.
The best and most efficient answer will have a plan!
Write a plan so that you give the right points, with thought-out application and be able to stick to your time limit!
I love coaching case studies and written answers, so reach out if you have loved the blog and need some extra coaching.
I have other coaching opportunities if you are struggling and not sitting the CIMA case study, please reach out and DM me.
Thanks. Follow me on Linkedin and Instagram for loads more revision tips!